How to Make Winning Infographics Without Risk

By Demian Farnworth

portrait photo of Salvador Dalí gesturing with his hand

The infographic is the Salvador Dalí of content marketing. By far the most interesting person at the cocktail party.

Who can compete with the thin, longhorn mustache decorated with forget-me-nots? The anteater curled at his feet?

His closest peer, the video, dozes near the crackling fire … slippered feet propped up, face buried in a …read more    

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Project Snow White, Offensive Content, Winners Showcased Ideas, And Improvements Help Quantcast

After weeks of working, planning and testing, the winners of the 2014 Quantathon have been announced. Before they named the winners, Konrad Feldman, CEO and Co-Founder, and Michael Kamprath, VP of Engineering, announced that there were so many great projects this year, they added two more third pla…

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The Lede: Are You Overlooking This Cornerstone of a Smart Content Strategy?

By Jerod Morris

The Lede Podcast logo

Yesterday, Brian Clark published a highly anticipated answer to a question that’s been on a lot of entrepreneurial and marketing minds.

If you missed it, that question is: Isn’t …read more    

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Keyword, Content, Ranking Factors, And Main Keyword

Searchmetrics recently launched their yearly Ranking Factors Study that bases numbers on rank correlation and averages of top 10 SEO rankings, and this year’s

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App, Augmented Reality App, General Mobile App, And App Tinder

For many of us, hardly a day goes by that we?re not interacting with an app. From messaging to online shopping to just plain fun, apps have grown roots and seeped into our lives in ways we never could have imagined.
For many companies, this kind of interaction signals greater brand awareness, engage…

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