Committee Chairman Carper, 21st Century Postal, Multiscreen Advertising Nirvana, And Campaign Management Tools

The 21st century Postal Service is about packages, Barnett tells committee chairman Carper, who agrees and adds that permanent exigency will recapitalize the agency.
Don’t Be Poochie: 3 Content Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

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Customer Service, Neiman Marcus, Small Business, And Amazing Customer Service

Imagine your family touches down in a beautiful tropical paradise for a well-deserved vacation. You get to your hotel, check in, then head to your room to relax for a few hours, when you hear a knock at your door. As you open the door, you?re greeted by a hotel employee, holding bottle of wine for y…

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Duplicate Content, Organic Search, New Customers, And Overstuffed Alt Text

It’s on the internet, so it’s true.
The bane of the existence of all search marketers is old or incorrect information given to clients at any point in time that they still hang on to. This post was inspired by an interaction with a client’s co-workers, people that are not thinking about SEO…

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Keyboard Development Tools, Third-party Keyboard Options, On-demand Social Photo, And WorkshopX Creative Studio

We?re on the verge of a linguistic revolution, made possible by the fact that Apple has opened up its iOS operating system to allow third-party keyboards. One of the first entrants will be PopKey, a project out of the WorkshopX creative studio based in Ottawa, which has created on-demand social p…

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Content, Great Content, Social Shares, And B2B World

Have you ever wondered if the content you are writing sucks? If no one likes your content, you won?t get any social shares, linkbacks, or traffic.
Whether you write content for B2B or B2C sites, there is an art to content creation.
Follow the tips below, and you?ll increase the likelihood of

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