37 Point Checklist: How to Create Content That Will Increase Your Traffic by Tomorrow Morning

By Neil Patel

content checklist

Have you ever wondered if the content you are writing sucks? If no one likes your content, you won’t get any social shares, linkbacks, or traffic.

Whether you write content for B2B or B2C sites, there is an art to content creation.

Follow the tips below, and you’ll increase the likelihood of your content being shared, which will help you generate traffic.

Here is a 37-point checklist that will help you create great content: Read More …read more    

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Here’s How Shane Snow (Founder of Contently) Writes

By Demian Farnworth

Image of The Writer Files Logo

If you are going to run a company around a slogan like “Tell Great Stories,” or rally your troops by adopting the Native American proverb “Those who tell the stories rule the world,” then it pays to build an environment that fosters great writing.

Large photographs of your <a class="colorbox" …read more    

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Which of These New WordPress Themes is Right For Your Audience?

By Jerod Morris

Image of Genesis framework on three different devices

Is your website’s design the right fit for the audience you want to attract?

I urge you to do more than simply nod and say “yes.”

Really think about it.

Who are …read more    

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Content Marketing, Small Business, Small Business Owner, And Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is everywhere. Blog posts. E-books. Experts. Dos and don?ts and apps and subscriptions. Content marketing is a trendy buzzword, an umbrella term and a reality for today?s small business owner.
When a term is thrown around so frequently it can be hard to zero in on the deeper meanin…

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MIXX Lounge, Lobby Level, IAB MIXX Lounge, And Workshop

Lobby Level
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IAB MIXX Lounge, Lobby Level
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Opening Remarks
Session TBA
IAB MIXX Lounge, Lobby Level
Network, recharge, and relax at the IAB MIXX Lounge.
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The Future of Media, Content, and Distribution
Technology has…

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