Topical Hubs, Capitol Hill, Entities, And Google

I’m not so sure it’s correct to say?as is so common lately?that today’s SEO is a new one, especially with regard to on-site SEO.
Many of the things that are necessary today were also necessary in the past: a well-designed information architecture, a great

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Twitter Lists, Aspirational Industry List, Twitter List, And Individual Twitter Lists

Ask 10 people what an entrepreneur is and you’ll get 10 pretty similar answers. Most of us envision entrepreneurs as creative eccentrics subsisting on Mountain Dew and Hot Pockets while staying up all night drawing futuristic-looking blueprints on the windows of their studio apartment. The crux of t…

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How Much Is Cart Abandonment Costing You?

By Neil Patel

If you had to guess, what would you say cart abandonment costs you each year?

Maybe 10%, 30%, or 50% of your revenue? It’s actually a lot more than that. Sixty-eight percent of shoppers will abandon your shopping cart.

So, how do you reduce your cart abandonment rates? You can use many different solutions. From collecting people’s email addresses to re-marketing and offering coupons, the possibilities are endless.

To show you how you can reduce your cart abandonment rates, I’ve created an infographic that breaks down what you need to do. Read More …read more    

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IOS App Store, New Mobile App, TechCrunch Founder Michael, And Animated Gifs

Digg, Milk, and Revision3 founder Kevin Rose recently left Google Ventures to start a new mobile development house called North, and now we have some details on the firm?s first app, Tiiny, which will launch soon. The basic idea is that Tiiny lets you share thumbnail-sized photos and animated GIFs t…

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Popups, Popup, Blanket Popups, And User Experience

There?s no need to insult your users like this. They?re intelligent people who can make their own decisions, so respect them for it.
Popups get a bad rap.
To put it bluntly, people hate them.
There?s almost nothing online that?s more annoying than something getting in your way, interrupting your re…

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