Social Media, Inbound Marketing, Effective Social Media, And Social Media Clutter

If you have received such an email, you probably felt you were being yelled at by the sender, and rightly so. As it turns out, most humans don?t like being yelled at or interrupted, which is why the vast majority of us skip or tune out marketing messages that are loud, interruptive, or irrelevant.

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Social Media, Social Media Strategy, Effective Social Media, And Social Strategy Workshop

Grow Your Business with a Clear and Effective Social Media Strategy
Join Infusionsoft University’s lead trainer Greg Jenkins for a special Social Strategy Workshop.
Thursday, September 11th
9am PDT/12pm EDT/4pm GMT
During this four-hour virtual workshop, Greg and Michael will help wal…

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Variation, Test, Test Variation, And Page

Diving into Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) for the first time can be a challenge. You are faced with a whole armoury of new tools, each containing a huge variety of features. Optimizely is one of those tools you will quickly encounter and through this post I’m going to cover 6 features I wish I …

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Social Media, Bad Social Media, Page Super Spammy, And Share Interesting Thoughts

Social media has evolved into this weird, quasi-realm of friends and advertisers, the former of which promotes the latter from time to time. Personally, I had a hard time even accepting the fact that businesses used Facebook (and Instagram, Twitter, etc.) for marketing. That is, of course, until I s…

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How I’ve Built 5 Multimillion-Dollar Software Companies

By Neil Patel

hiten shah

Over the years, my co-founder and I have created three software companies: KISSinsights, KISSmetrics, and Crazy Egg. All three companies generate well over a million dollars in revenue and continue to grow at a rapid pace.

In addition to building three software companies, we’ve also bought two: Hellobar and Stride. Hellobar is worth over a million dollars. Stride doesn’t generate any revenue, but we recently received an acquisition offer from a Fortune 500 company for over a million bucks.

When we first started creating software companies seven years ago, not much information was available about what …read more    

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