Permission to Kick Ass: Granted

By Pamela Wilson

portrait of a grizzly bear

What if you discovered that your own words and thoughts were wreaking havoc on your chances for success?

They might be.

What you say about what you do makes a difference.

It makes a difference in your own mind. And it makes a big difference in how people view your work.

At some point, you have to decide if you want to be at the <a class="colorbox" href="" …read more    

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Superficial Extras, Landing Pages, Superficial Extras Work, And Superficial Extras Companies

At its core, marketing can be divided into two facets: direct-response and branding.
Direct-response is the most efficient of the two and results in the most quantifiable results, and that?s why I?ve spent most of my time discussing it in my previous posts. After witnessing an exceptional display o…

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Twitter, Brinn Sanders, Twitter Ads, And Twitter Presence

Jimmy Hang ( @j immyhang ) is responsible for driving all SMB adoption efforts at Twitter. His mission is to inspire and empower businesses on how to organically grow their business on Twitter.

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Search Engine Optimization, Exact Anchor Text, Exact Match Domain, And Keyword Density Targets

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Over the last 12 ye…

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Android, Largest Generational Groups, Apple IOS Accounting, And Social Networking Apps

Millennials, one of the largest generational groups in the U.S., on par with the Baby Boomers, are also the largest group of smartphone owners, says Nielsen in a report out today. And their adoption of the devices is still growing: by the second quarter of this year, 85% of those aged 18 to 24 owned…

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