Consumers, Interactive Channels, Ads, And Robot Maids

The future looks bright for interactive channels.
Ever wonder what the world will be like 10 years from now? Maybe consumers will finally have the jetpacks, flying cars, and robot maids The Jetsons promised. But what kind of changes can marketers expect to face in 2024? To get an idea, Goo Technolog…

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Market Leader Tesco, Employee Advocacy, Social Media, And Little Employee Power

This week?s financial headlines in the U.K. had me thinking about employee advocacy ? probably for all the wrong reasons. Major retailer and market leader Tesco PLC revealed a $400-million black hole in its profit forecast; since then, business-news outlets on both sides of the Atlantic have been ha…

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Post-it Notes, Post-it Plus, Square Post-it Notes, And Viral Post-it Board

Post-it Notes may be a product of the analog era, but they continue to stick around ? literally, that is ? covering walls, windows, monitor screens and more, remaining an office worker?s go-to-tool for small scribbles, quick thoughts, and ideas. Now the company behind Post-it, 3M, is hoping to po…

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Scavenger Hunt, Interactive Scavenger Hunt, Phone Number, And Scavenger Hunt– MMS

When I get together with my siblings (one younger sister, and two little brothers- 12 and 9) I tend to come up with crazy ideas. A couple years ago in Northern California I was visiting my little brothers and had the grand idea to create a scavenger hunt for them when they woke up in the morning. Of…

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Landing Page, User, Mind-reading Landing Page, And Landing Pages

If you could create the perfect landing page, what would it look like? Dream for a minute. What would conversion rates be like? What would the color scheme be? How would the value proposition read?
In this article, I want to explain a step-by-step process for creating an ideal landing page ? one tha…

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