Social Media Metrics, Social Metrics, Data—or Metrics, And Vanity Metrics

May 04, 2015
One chief marketer breaks down the unique benefits found in only social media metrics.
These days there’s certainly no shortage of data?or metrics for that matter. In fact, if you’re not careful, you can end up drowning in a sea of vanity metrics.
Recently, I had a chance to cha…

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The 10 Rules of Rough Drafts

By Rainmaker.FM


Rough Draft host Demian Farnworth is about to destroy the lie that suggests your first draft must be perfect. The illusion that great copy is born in a single moment of white hot inspiration.

One of the most famous white-hot inspiration ambush stories in American literary history involves Jack Kerouac, Beat Generation pioneer.

As the legend has it, Kerouac wrote On the Road, a 293-page novel, in three coffee-fueled weeks on one long, flowing scroll.

Now, that is true. He did do that. But it’s not the full truth.

In this 6-minute episode of Rough Draft …read more      

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Daniel Bennett, Steven Clift, Digital Democracy, And Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

Before the Greek Gods ascended to Mount Olympus, the Titans ruled the heavens. Among them was Prometheus, who gave humanity the power of fire. And with fire, humans became masters of their own destiny? to some degree. When it comes to the world of digital democracy, where the ?gods? include Facebook…

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5 Smart Content Strategies from a Stellar Marketer of Ideas

By Sonia Simone

Quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson -- 'We should all build libraries of thought for ourselves, not knowing how we might use them in the future'

Marketers tend to get very caught up in thinking about how to persuade people to buy a product or service. Which makes sense … but it’s often jumping the gun.

Because it’s quite common (and perhaps increasingly so) that we have to market our ideas — and connect our beliefs with those of our audience — before we can do any business.

Which is why, for my money, one of the greatest content marketers working today is astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.

You think your product or service is a hard sell? Try astrophysics. (So many …read more      

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Does Audio Create Authority Faster Than Text?

By Rainmaker.FM


Recent research shows that the human brain can detect confidence in your voice in 0.2 seconds — faster than the blink of an eye. And it’s confidence that influences the listener to give you attention and perceive authority.

It’s an interesting finding, especially with the mainstream emergence of podcasting. We’ve already discussed how audio is smart foundational content that can be repurposed into text, slides, and infographics. But perhaps audio is simply the smartest content of all, standing alone?

Not everyone writes with authority. But anyone can speak with authority, assuming you know your stuff and apply some basic …read more      

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