Podcast Interview Best Practices from a Guy Who Publishes 3 Per Week

By Rainmaker.FM


Jonny Nastor posts three new episodes of his interview show Hack the Entrepreneur each week. So he has learned a thing or two about conducting interviews.

We pick his brain in this episode of The Showrunner.

Among the topics discussed in this episode of The Showrunner:

  • How we plan to ensure that The Showrunner Podcasting Course does not overshadow The Showrunner Podcast
  • The single most important thing that Jonny does do (as an interviewer), that other people don’t do, that has led to his success with Hack the Entrepreneur
  • What Jonny does to prep for his interviews
  • A …read more      
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How to Deal with Creative Block and Creative Envy

By Rainmaker.FM


There are two things that consistently get in our way of being creative entrepreneurs — and with a little bit of intentional effort, they can both be avoided.

If you’re a writer or designer, creative block and envy can easily limit your productivity.

So what’s the best way around it?

It starts with being intentional about taking care of yourself. Perhaps it’s time away from the Internet or simply removing the distractions that seem to work their way into our lives.

In this 24-minute episode of No Sidebar, host Brian Gardner and Allison Vesterfelt discuss:

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Deadly Conversion Busters: How to Craft Your Uniqueness and Stand Out from the Competition

By Rainmaker.FM


How do you get your market to notice, remember, and value you, when there are so many competing and conflicting messages out there vying for their attention?

And why did Tony record this session from within a pillow fort?

In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal:

  • Why being different is not enough
  • Taking the lead — and why that does not mean being an expert
  • What it means to set up camp in your prospect’s brain
  • How trying to please everyone will kill your brand
  • The key positioning questions you need to be able to answer

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6 Simple Rules for Writing Effective Dialogue

By Rainmaker.FM


Why talk about dialogue in a podcast about online writing? Dialogue builds tension and allows you to show instead of tell. And so much more.

People love to read dialogue.

We gravitate to the words on the page that are surrounded by quotation marks — the speech marks — because we know that two humans are going to interact … and we’re drawn to the drama.

As Alice said in Alice in Wonderland, “What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?”

The same holds true for online copy. We want our pictures. We want our …read more      

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4 Copywriting Techniques for Engaging Podcasts and Audio Presentations

By Brian Clark

how to write a compelling audio presentation

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on April 2, 2009. We’re running it again today to show you how to take advantage of the powerful combination of copywriting and audio content.

There’s nothing easier than audio content, right? Just fire up your recording software or teleseminar service and start talking away.

Well, sure … but “easy to create” doesn’t guarantee anyone will listen (or keep listening).

Take some time to structure and prepare for your recording, however, and you can crank out exceptionally engaging audio content that still only takes a fraction of the time that polished writing would.

Even though …read more      

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