How Veteran Podcaster and Content Marketer Jerod Morris Writes

By Rainmaker.FM


The Showrunner behind multiple top-ranking podcasts and Vice President of Marketing for the Rainmaker.FM podcast network, Jerod Morris, paid The Writer Files host Kelton Reid a visit this week to talk about his beginnings as a writer, podcaster, and digital marketer.

Mr. Morris started out online as a sports blogger and became the editor of a high-traffic blog that was tapped by Fox Sports.

His blogging has led to quite a few opportunities for the writer, including:

  • Co-founding a WordPress hosting company
  • Leading the editorial team for
  • Launching and co-hosting multiple top-ranked podcasts
  • Becoming the VP of Marketing for the Rainmaker.FM podcast network …read more      
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How to Get Offline Customers Engaged with Your Online Marketing

By Rainmaker.FM


Can digital marketing work even if your target market isn’t your typical “online audience?”

You bet, but it all relies on knowing what to write about and where to publish your content.

This week on Hit Publish, listener Tom submitted his question for the Dear Amy column. He wonders how he can get more of his customers engaging with his online marketing.

The challenge is that Tom’s audience is more likely to spend time in an industrial workshop than reading a blog post. So can you still capture their attention with online content? Yes, you can.

There are five steps you’ll …read more      

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How to Find Your High-Leverage Outputs, Build Products, and Choose Your Own Path

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur founded Betterment in 2008 after working as an adviser to Wall Street’s biggest financial institutions. He started Betterment in an attempt to reinvent the investment industry.

It wasn’t long before his vision became a reality as the company won TechCrunch’s Best Startup in New York award in 2010.

He is an economics graduate of Harvard University and a finance graduate of Columbia Business School. He says his interests lie at the intersection of behavior, psychology, and economics, and he gets excited about making everyday products accessible and efficient.

Now, let’s hack …

Jon Stein.

In this 28-minute episode of …read more      

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Proof that Stories Can Increase the Value of Even ‘Worthless’ Items

By Rainmaker.FM


Marketers are agog over stories. For good reason.

Your stories lift a prospect out of her ordinary world … and then take her on a journey that ultimately leads to a vision of herself as a better version of herself.

In 1984, Apple brought its own story to the market, one in which agile, nonconformists can break the mold … liberated by a busty Norwegian body builder wielding a sledgehammer … we’re, of course, talking about the 1984-inspired “Think Different” campaign.

But do stories really enhance a company’s products? Its reputation? Is there evidence? Rough Draft host Demian Farnworth thinks …read more      

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How to Create a Visual Brand and Fight the Dark Forces

By Rafal Tomal

How to Create a Visual Brand and Fight the Dark Forces

Have you seen Star Wars? Of course you have.

My colleagues at Copyblogger are a little crazy about this movie, so when they found out that I had never seen Star Wars, they all freaked out.

The next day, I received a package with the complete trilogy on Blu-ray (the original one, of course) from our Chief Digital Officer, Chris Garrett.

I rushed to my TV set and watched them all at once.

I really enjoyed the films, but the visual branding of the dark forces really held my attention.

What can we learn about building a visual brand from Star Wars?

Find …read more      

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