Vexed by Your Bankrupt Vocabulary? Listen to This

By Rainmaker.FM


You can spot a mediocre writer from miles away …

Flat verbs. Obtuse nouns. Lame metaphors. Absence of stories. Rough Draft host Demian Farnworth should know. He used to be one.

In regard to the mediocre writers, it seems that they’d want an edge. That they’d kill to get their hands on words that crank out power like a Floyd Mayweather right hook.

That they’d do whatever they could. Even read unorthodox books.

In this 11-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • A very brief history of how Demian fell in love with words
  • Eight words you can’t pronounce (and should never …read more      
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6 Easy Ways to Adapt Your Writing Style to the New World of Content Consumption

By Pamela Wilson

it's a brave new fast-paced content world

You ease yourself into the coziest chair you own, a warm beverage by your side, a blanket over your legs, and the glow of a reading lamp over your shoulder.

It’s time to sink into a nice, long session of reading.

You pull apart the pages of the nonfiction book you’re working your way through, and you begin a new chapter.

It starts with an inspiring quote. Then the author tells a story.

Eventually, she comes around to the topic at hand. Now that you’re warmed up, she’s going to share some information with you.

What’s the online version of this scene?

Contrast this …read more      

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The Habitual Startup Approach to Wealth Building

By Rainmaker.FM


Thanks to the Internet, productivity software, virtual staffing solutions, and freelancers and consultants of all types at your disposal, a single person can cause a major economic ruckus.

According to new statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau, an increasing number of single-person businesses are breaking into seven figures of revenue. There’s also an accompanying shift in mindset that rejects the need to “scale up” to hiring hundreds or thousands of people to make more money.

Today’s episode of Unemployable with Brian Clark talks about another mindset shift — remaining a single-person or very small company, but creating a portfolio of businesses …read more      

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How to Build Strong Connections on LinkedIn Using Dating Advice from ‘Cosmopolitan’ Magazine

By Rainmaker.FM


There is a surprising similarity between the rules of dating and how you build connections on LinkedIn.

Who knew that dating advice from Cosmopolitan magazine could be so helpful for understanding how to best connect on LinkedIn?

The Missing Link host Sean Jackson and Mica Gadhia didn’t know either, but they wanted to try it … and it worked.

In this 32-minute lively episode of The Missing Link, host Sean Jackson and Mica Gadhia use “Cosmo” dating advice to teach you how to build long and lasting connections on LinkedIn. You won’t want to miss:

  • Guidelines on accepting connection requests
  • Why you should be …read more      
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How Much Does the Modern Content Marketer Need to Know about SEO?

By Rainmaker.FM


Long ago, search engine optimization (SEO) tactics and online marketing went hand in hand. Not so much today. For real.

Of course, it seems like a loaded question, doesn’t it? How much SEO does the modern content marketer really need to know? Particularly those just starting out?

Well, it’s a serious question. One that The Lede hosts Demian Farnworth and Jerod Morris plan on tackling without simply saying that SEO is dead.

Because that’s not true.

Halfway through this episode, however, they both realize they are over their heads — and call in the big guns.

Fortunately, this special guest confirmed …read more      

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