The Foundational Elements of Profitable Online Courses

By Sonia Simone

After ebooks, online courses are one of the most popular business models for digital entrepreneurs. The tech is easier to put together than ever. Audiences know that online courses are valuable and have shown they’re willing to pay. And courses are a natural showcase for the authority you build as you develop great content for
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How to Become the World’s #1 Expert in Your Niche

By Neil Patel


Whether you’re a brand, a webmaster or a solo blogger, it’s essential your audience takes you seriously.

You need to prove you know your stuff.

But in a world that’s become increasingly saturated with self-appointed “gurus,” it’s become incredibly difficult to separate yourself from the masses.

That’s why authority and credibility have become the name of the game.

How do you achieve authority and credibility?

It’s not something you can buy. It must be cultivated, and that takes time.

You can’s just go from being an unknown to being a top industry expert overnight.

But I’ve learned over the past decade that there are several ways to …read more      

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The Copyblogger Guide for a Wildly Productive August

By Sonia Simone

Productive? In August? Isn’t that an oxymoron? This month we wrap up the summer (in our hemisphere, anyway), get ready for the school year, and head into the final third of the year. The key to making this time productive is to work on the right things — and not throw our time or energy
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SEO vs. PPC: Which Should You Focus on First?

By Neil Patel

seo vs ppc

Here’s the scenario.

You’re just launching your marketing campaign and want results.

Not only that, you want the most bang for your buck.

You want to make sure the time and money you’re putting in will bring a large volume of high-quality traffic primed to convert.

In other words, you want a rock solid ROI.

While there is a plethora of different avenues you can take, it often boils down to one of two choices: SEO or PPC.

Both are tried and true and will drive targeted leads to your site.

But which option makes the most sense for your campaign?

More importantly, which should …read more      

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Don’t Let Go of Expectations … Put Them to Work in Your Marketing

By Stefanie Flaxman

"Are you willing to write like a million people read your words, even if only one person currently does?" – Stefanie Flaxman

We all know the potential trouble associated with expectations:

If you expect something to turn out a certain way — and it doesn’t — you likely end up disappointed.

Subsequently, traditional wisdom has advised that we let go of our expectations to soften the blow of disappointment and train ourselves to be content with the outcome we get.

Even though I hold that outlook to be true most of the time, I wanted to explore how we could use expectations to our advantage in certain situations, rather than try to (unsuccessfully) forget about them.

If you struggle with letting go of expectations for …read more      

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