How to Crack Google Search Optimization for Your Unique Niche

By Neil Patel


Search engine optimization sounds great on paper, but when put into practice, it’s a bit tougher. Marketing in your specific niche can be slow and painful, especially if you’re just starting from scratch with a new website.

Although it may feel like every keyword already has hundreds of thousands of competitive results, you can still push through the crowd and rise to the top if you understand how to apply SEO fundamentals to your unique niche.

Search is all about supply and demand, and as long as you meet a user’s needs (especially in local marketing), you’ll gain the search …read more      

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The Best of Copyblogger: 2016 Edition

By Sonia Simone

catch up on our top picks for 2016

The year of the rollercoaster is nearly finished, and, as we usually do around this time, I wanted to pull together some of my favorite posts for you.

This collection of posts (and a single podcast) is a celebration of the writers who worked hard every week to teach, inspire, and entertain us — and it’s also a bit of a manifesto for what we want 2017 to be.

Our vision for 2017 is:

  • The year of the individual voice
  • The year of community
  • The year of the real, human writer

Here are some of my favorite Copyblogger posts from 2016, starting with just one podcast …read more      

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20 Types of Evergreen Content that Produce Lasting Results for Your Business

By Aaron Orendorff

man sitting and overlooking green mountain top

I’m sure you’ve heard this stat: more than two million blog posts go live every single day.

And that’s just talking about blogs. You don’t even want to start contemplating total online content including emails, landing pages, product pages, podcasts, and social media.

Standing out in the deluge is harder than ever. Even for established publishers it’s tough. For beginners … it’s a nightmare.

So, what’s the solution?

While there is no magic bullet for content marketers, there is one type of content that can cut through the noise and deliver long-term results.

It’s called evergreen content.

What is evergreen content?

Evergreen content — …read more      

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Professional Podcasting Tips for Pristine Production (and Hosting Hacks)

By Jerod Morris & Jon Nastor


What are Jonny’s “4 Ds of Pristine Production?” You’ll find out in this week’s episode of The Showrunner.

We begin this episode by discussing the how and the what of podcasting — and more importantly, which one we place a greater emphasis on. (You probably won’t be surprised by our answers.)

Then we dive into Jonny’s 4 Ds, which cover:

  • The type of mic you should choose
  • How to hack your room to get better sound
  • Why preparation is king
  • And thoughts on delegation … which is a good thing, just not too soon

And then Jerod adds a few Ds of his own.

Listen, learn, enjoy …read more      

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Are You Losing Sales Because Your Purchase Page Sucks?

By Sean Jackson


Of all the pages on your site, there is only one that actually makes you money: your purchase page.

But too often this page is ignored; most people just use the default shopping cart that comes with their dCommerce system.

If you are serious about selling digital goods online, then you will want to listen to this episode. We deep dive into the specific elements you must have on your purchase page to maximize sales conversions. And we go one step further and discuss the “other” page that is as important as your purchase page.

In this 30-minute episode, Jessica Frick and I …read more      

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