How Becoming a Digital Entrepreneur Helped Jarmar Dupas Get His Life Right

By Brian Clark & Jerod Morris


This week’s guest aspires to help you get your money right. He wants to assist others in taking back their purchasing power. He is Jarmar Dupas, and he is a Digital Entrepreneur.

In this 35-minute episode, Jarmar walks you through his journey as a digital entrepreneur:

  • The moment that got his ears “buzzing,” which got him interested in entrepreneurship
  • The simplicity of his proudest moment … and what you can learn from it
  • How being a digital entrepreneur has been conducive to creating his desired lifestyle
  • Why Jarmar sometimes gets in his own way and how he’s trying to overcome it
  • The element of entrepreneurship that …read more      
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The Right Way to Approach Branding Your Podcast

By Jerod Morris & Jon Nastor


With Jonny focused on preparing to lead his first-ever workshop, we took a week off from recording a new episode. Instead, we decided to rebroadcast an oldie but goodie, and one that pairs especially well with last week’s episode about show intros.

You may think that branding your podcast begins with the name and ends with your show art. Not so. There is so much more to it, and it’s vitally important that you get it right from the beginning.

In this episode of The Showrunner, we discuss all of the following:

  • The inevitable awkwardness of hitting “record”
  • Why Jon was right about choosing …read more      
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How to Stay Creative in a Distracted World

By Brian Gardner & Lauren Mancke


On this week’s episode, we’re joined by Megan Gray, a passionate — probably one of the most passionate — freelance graphic designers I know. She lives on the edge of a canyon in Orange County, California, where she runs her business, House of Grays.

In this 34-minute episode Brian Gardner, Lauren Mancke, and Megan Gray discuss:

  • Starting House of Grays in Orange County, CA
  • Designing for the people
  • Keeping focused among distraction
  • Experience gained while working in a traditional agency
  • The onboarding process of custom projects
  • Creative outlets beyond the 9 to 5
  • Following your own path instead of looking to others
  • Filtering out the noise

Listen to …read more      

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9 Ways to Generate Sales from Your Last Blog Post (Without Being Salesy)

By Neil Patel


These days, “sales” is perceived as a negative four-letter word.

Sales has gotten a bad rep. When you hear the word “sales,” you probably think of pushy salespeople or telemarketing calls.

The stigma of sales affects bloggers too. Lots of bloggers are afraid to sell to their readers. They don’t want to lose the audience they worked so hard to build.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you can successfully use your blog posts to sell without being salesy.

And no, I’m not going to recommend ads. (Surprise!)

You might be wondering how blog posts can increase your revenue.

The answer is simple: reciprocity.

Most of …read more      

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2 Key Factors that Distinguish Satisfying Content from Forgettable Ideas

By Stefanie Flaxman

two ways to make your content unforgettable

Have you ever read a blog post, listened to a podcast episode, or watched a video and thought:

“I kind of get what this person is saying — and I think I agree — but it’s difficult to follow their main points. The content feels incomplete.”

When content consumers have reactions like that, it delays them from sharing your content and subscribing to get more — ultimately increasing the chances that the content will be forgettable.

Conversely, when your content resonates with your target audience, your platform becomes a resource those individuals will remember and return to.

If you want your …read more      

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