Here’s a Quick Sneak Peek at This Year’s Massive Black Friday Discount

By Brian Gardner

The crowds. The lines. The noise. The endless circling to find parking. Black Friday is an American institution — and for good reason. Commerce is king, humans like to save money, and Black Friday marries those two together unlike any other date on the calendar. But over the last handful of years, something has come
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The Ultimate Guide to Using Instagram Story to Promote Your Business

By Neil Patel

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Your company needs to be active on Instagram.

Establishing a social media presence is essential for businesses to thrive in today’s day and age.

But posting pictures isn’t enough.

You need to take your Instagram strategy one step further and take advantage of posting stories to your profile.

What’s an Instagram story?

If you are unfamiliar, they aren’t complicated to figure out.

Users have the opportunity to upload videos and photos that expire after 24 hours.

Some people think Instagram copied Snapchat with this concept, which to an extent is true.

But regardlesss, I think it’s an efficient and professional way to <a class="colorbox" href="" target="_blank" …read more      

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Marketing Doesn’t Have to Be Sleazy: 5 Real-World Examples

By Stefanie Flaxman

In my youth, a former co-worker once told me, “I’d never date anyone who works in marketing.” When I inquired about his reasoning, he replied: “It’s just so sleazy. Choosing that line of work says a lot about a person.” Since I was young and impressionable, that sentiment stayed with me. So I was naturally
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How to Write Ecommerce Emails That Don’t Annoy the Crap out of Your Readers

By Neil Patel


Email marketing is an essential component of every business.

But it’s even more important for your ecommerce website.


It’s one of the best ways to communicate with your customers.

As an ecommerce business, you don’t have the luxury of seeing your customers face to face like you would if you were a brick-and-mortar company.

Sure, there are other ways you can communicate with your customers.

They can call your customer service department or reach out to you on social media.

But marketing experts agree that email is the most effective digital marketing tactic.

With that said, your strategy …read more      

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Authority Pro for WordPress: Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Trust

By Brian Gardner

Authority Pro is a fresh new design by our Lead Designer Rafal Tomal and the team at StudioPress. The big idea behind this specific design is to help you put the full extent of your expertise on display. Consistently demonstrating your likable expertise over time is what allows you to build meaningful and lasting trust
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