Take a Deep Dive into Comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy

By Sonia Simone

This week was all about the bigger picture of content marketing strategy. “Great content” is a wonderful start, but you need the strategic context that pulls it all together. Whether you’re a pro or just getting started, the posts and podcasts below will give you a framework to make your project really strong. On Monday,
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How to Create a Content Upgrade That Will Automate Your List Building

By Neil Patel

Download 11 Killer Lead Magnet Ideas Templates Updated

I am a big champion of the power of email marketing.

There’s no better way to build a community and nurture a relationship with your audience.

It’s hands down the most authentic way to prime your prospects, sell them your work, and grow your revenue.

So, when a powerful list-building technique comes along, I get excited.

After all, a thriving email list is the foundation of email marketing.

I’m sure you’ve noticed this, but I’ll point it out anyway.

Content upgrades are what’s hot right now if you want to accelerate the growth of your email list.

Take a guy like …read more      

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[Last Day] Join The Showrunner Podcasting Course Before the Doors Close

By Jerod Morris

Jonny Nastor and I want to help you develop, launch, and run a remarkable show. That’s why we created The Showrunner Podcasting Course — which is currently open, but closes today at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. And yes, I said show — not “podcast.” For most intents and purposes, the distinction doesn’t make a huge
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The Magical Sixth ‘Ingredient’ that Can Take Your Content to Greatness

By Sonia Simone

On Monday, Ronell shared with us his five “ingredients” for creating truly high-quality content. These are the consistently important factors he’s observed while working with many different kinds of clients. We agree! Ronell’s advice will help you create content that genuinely helps your audience. And that content will be interesting because it speaks directly to
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How Blogging Boosts the Profitability of Your Ecommerce Website (and 8 Ways to Get Started)

By Chris Garrett

With the release of the Outfitter Pro Premium WordPress theme, Rafal Tomal and I have been talking a lot about ecommerce websites. Naturally, Rafal has great ideas about designing a t-shirt store, while I’m interested in how I can market an ecommerce store with, yes, geeky merchandise, but also robot kits and other nerdery for
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