The Best Dropshipping Companies

By Quick Sprout Editorial

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Dropshipping is when you sell a product that’s shipped directly from the manufacturer to your customer. It is never held by you in a warehouse or a spare bedroom, and you’re not responsible for the packaging or shipping. Your dropship partner takes care of all that.

Sounds dreamy, right? No warehouse rent to pay, no upfront investment in purchasing inventory, and no shipping work on your end. Those are the perks.

But those are also the drawbacks. You don’t have the inventory …read more      

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How To Start a Business: 23 Steps To Becoming Operational

By Corry Cummings

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Starting a business is daunting.

There is so much to think about and so much to do.

It’s hard enough trying to figure out how to build and grow a business. The last thing we want to think about is figuring out how to put together an operating agreement or picking the right accounting system.

The good news is that all of the things that need to get done in order to start your business have been done a million times before. You don’t …read more      

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How to Stop Drowning in Data and Begin Using Your Metrics Wisely

By Loryn Cole

Digital marketers have a problem: We’ve got too much data. It sounds like a ridiculous complaint coming from a data…

The post How to Stop Drowning in Data and Begin Using Your Metrics Wisely appeared first on Copyblogger.

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10 Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2019

By Quick Sprout


As we close out 2018 and enter a new year, it’s time to look toward the future.

Many of you might be making some new year’s resolutions such as diet changes, workout routines, and quitting bad habits.

But outside of your personal goals, you also need to keep an eye on your business operations. More specifically, you must focus on your marketing department.

Marketing continues to change over time. Each year we’re seeing new trends.

What worked for your company in 2010 may not work in 2019.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you need to completely abandon or change your strategy that worked …read more      

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3 Ways to Persuade People Thinking about Buying from You

By Stefanie Flaxman

You shouldn’t think about growing your audience. Actually, let me rephrase that: You shouldn’t focus on growing your audience. Especially…

The post 3 Ways to Persuade People Thinking about Buying from You appeared first on Copyblogger.

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