This Common Belief Could Be Blocking Your Creative Potential

By Stefanie Flaxman

"Creativity is not linear." – Stefanie Flaxman

A woman brought her two Pomeranians to a barbecue I recently attended. I had never met her before, but overhearing her give the dogs commands in Norwegian, Italian, and English sparked a conversation between us and another guest.

Hamburger in hand, the other barbecue-goer explained why he’s always had trouble learning a language other than English.

“I want there to be a word-for-word translation and get stuck because it doesn’t work like that,” he said.

I resonated with that experience and thought about where that outlook might pop up in other aspects of life and business:

There’s a reasonable question virtually everyone asks …read more      

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The Marketer’s Checklist for Establishing a Personal Brand

By Neil Patel

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I remember when having a personal brand was reserved solely for big-name celebrities.

Back in the 90s, you had to be an Oprah-level figure to have your own discernible brand.

But the Internet has changed that.

It’s made personal branding viable for pretty much everyone, provided you put in the time and energy.

That’s why you see people go from relative obscurity to borderline celebrities quite frequently.

A good example of that is Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income.

I remember the time when he was blogging about basic online money-making techniques and had only a tiny following.

Now, he’s crushing it.

He’s writing …read more      

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Last Day to Get the Rainmaker Platform

By Brian Clark

Last Chance to Get the Rainmaker Platform at the Current Pricing

This is it … your absolute last day to invest in the Rainmaker Platform at pricing that will never be seen again. The party’s over today at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (you can read the original announcement with all the details here).

We hope you’ll join the Rainmaker family before we make the switch. Just head over to the site, check out all the amazing things Rainmaker empowers you to do, and start your free trial today.

The post Last Day to Get the Rainmaker Platform appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Improve Your Writing and Last Chance for Rainmaker Platform

By Sonia Simone

Improve Your Writing and Last Chance for Rainmaker Platform

Brian wrote on Monday about the big news for this week: This is your last chance to pick up the Rainmaker Platform as a standalone service. We’re transitioning to a bundled hybrid of technology with client services … and that will come with a significantly higher price tag.

If you’ve been thinking about Rainmaker, this would be a great time to jump in. To get the advantageous pricing we have today, you’ll need to start your free trial before Friday, June 16, 2017 (that’s tomorrow) at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

On Tuesday, Stefanie asked if your blog necessarily needs a …read more      

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The Comprehensive List of What Needs to Be Above the Fold on Your Homepage

By Neil Patel


The majority of people have the attention span shorter than a goldfish.

When it comes to your website, it’s probably hurting you.

According to HubSpot, “55% of visitors spend fewer than 15 seconds on your website.”

You’d better grab their attention in a hurry.

But how do you do that?

By placing the most important information above the fold.

It’s one of the most tried-and-true web design best practices.

And it’s one that has received a lot of debate.

I’ve heard some people say you need to follow the original formula religiously and keep key information above the fold.

I’ve …read more      

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