How to Drive Retail Sales with Beacon Technology

By Quick Sprout

in stores

With online shopping growing in popularity, retailers need to come up with new ways to keep their customers engaged to drive sales.

Retail stores are no longer just competing with other neighboring shops. Consumers can shop for virtually anything from the comfort of their own homes or even on the go from ecommerce shops.

If your retail business can’t adapt to new technology and the latest trends, you’ll struggle for survival in the coming years.

Beacon technology is definitely something your business should consider using. While the term may sound futuristic and complex, it’s actually quite simple.

You’ll be using beacons to track …read more      

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A Resource for Managing Holiday Stress While You Strengthen Your Marketing

By Sonia Simone

It’s the start of the traditional winter holidays this week, and you know what that means. Stress, time crunches ……

The post A Resource for Managing Holiday Stress While You Strengthen Your Marketing appeared first on Copyblogger.

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How to Manage and Avoid Ecommerce Chargebacks

By Neil Patel


Chargebacks have become a growing problem for ecommerce companies. In fact, credit card chargebacks are rising at a rate of 20% each year.

Statistics show 40% of consumers who file chargebacks will do so again within 60 days. And 50% of those people will file another one within 90 days.

Banks and credit card companies make it easy for their customers to dispute charges on their accounts. Ecommerce companies are paying the price for this behavior.

Those of you who have an ecommerce shop know what I’m talking about. I’m willing to bet you’ve had to deal with these situations …read more      

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The Best Domain Registrar

By Quicksprout Editorial

Namecheap upsells during domain registration
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The best domain registrars make it quick to search and buy a great domain name, then easy to configure it and manage it over time. They will also have excellent customer service (both live support and a robust knowledge center) and a spotless reputation — you don’t want your domain registrar to be going out of business.

There are thousands of accredited domain registrars. The best one is Namecheap. We prefer it over other top registrars …read more      

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