How to Add Color and Richness to Your Writing … Without Making Us Want to Barf

By Sonia Simone

Your job as a writer is to make your subjects clear and interesting.

Assuming you aren’t working on the next Waiting for Godot, you’ll work to make sure your meaning is clear and easy to grasp.

And assuming you aren’t editing Wikipedia, you’ll work to make it lively and fresh.

But sometimes, well-meaning attempts to give your writing life end up producing writing that’s silly, trivial, cluttered, or condescending.

Lively writing is wonderful. Paragraph after paragraph of neon-rainbow unicorn vomit (with glitter) is less wonderful.

Even if you like sparkle (I do), you just need a little. Too much glitter always looks cheap.

So …read more      

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Does Your Blog Need Editing and Proofreading?

By Stefanie Flaxman

"These tools help you evaluate your current publishing process." – Stefanie Flaxman

You might think that I’d recommend a thorough editing and proofreading process for every blog.

But that’s not the case.

Since I don’t know enough about your blog to answer the question I pose in the headline of this article for you, I want to provide tools that will help you evaluate your own publication.

Is your content successful with your current level of editing and proofreading, or would you benefit from more substantial revisions?

I’m a loyal follower of the Socratic method, so we’re going to explore the colossal question, “Does your blog need editing and proofreading?” by asking more questions. …read more      

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How to Make Your Facebook Page Visually Appealing to Your Target Demographic

By Neil Patel

facebook monthly active users q3 2016 large

Facebook is closing in on nearly two billion monthly active users!

There was even an 18% increase from 2016.

If you think about the sheer size and scope of Facebook, it’s mind-boggling.

And when you consider the fact that one in five pageviews in the United States occurs on Facebook, the power of this social media behemoth is undeniable.

So, of course, you want to do everything within your power to connect with the largest possible percentage of your target demographic.

This enables you to build your following, generate more leads and rake in plenty of referral traffic to your website.

Of …read more      

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The Rainmaker Platform Goes Off the Market this Friday

By Brian Clark

Last Chance to Get the Rainmaker Platform at the Current Pricing

The Rainmaker Platform is coming off the market this Friday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. To get the current pricing, you must start your free trial before the deadline.

Last month I told you about the Rainmaker Platform’s shift from software-as-a-service to a bundled hybrid of technology and client services, all at much higher prices. Before we do that, we’re offering one last chance for people who just want the Platform at the current lower pricing.

If you’re not familiar, the Rainmaker Platform is a complete digital marketing and sales solution. It combines powerful website features with email, marketing automation, …read more      

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Should You Be Using Live Video to Make More Money?

By Neil Patel


Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope.

All the major social platforms are integrating live streaming in some form.

Several up-and-comers, like Meerkat and MeVee, are also creating buzz.

And this all means one thing: Live video is hot. Scorching hot.

It seems everyone is now using live video in some fashion to connect and interact with their audience in real time.

I’ve noticed a good chunk of the YouTube channels I’ve been subscribed to for years are now taking it live.

It’s definitely catching on.

But does using live video make sense for you?

Is it a viable means of making more money?

In this post, …read more      

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