Use This Daily One-Hour Digital Marketing Routine to Get 40% More New Leads Each Week

By Neil Patel


Routines. We all have them. Some we follow daily—consciously. Others we follow on a subconscious level, unaware of them.

Whatever they are, routines are incredibly powerful.

Over a span of time, the right routines can be key contributors to both our personal and business successes.

If you’ve read any of Tim Ferriss’ books or listened to his podcast, you know he’s a staunch supporter of routines.

In his most recent book, Tools of Titans, Tim discusses some of his personal morning routines, e.g., making his bed, meditating, and journaling.

He feels doing these things enables him to operate at a higher …read more      

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Pet Peeves from the Copyblogger Editorial Team, and What they Reveal

By Sonia Simone

"No one can nurse a good peeve quite like a group of writers." – Sonia Simone

We’ve written quite a bit lately about identifying core values in your content.

Creating content around a positive value like integrity, fairness, humility, or faith will attract an audience that shares those values — and that fosters a powerful sense of unity.

But our friend negativity bias tells us that the flip side of that will probably be more compelling. In other words, talking about the things that bug you will build an even faster bond with your audience.

For today’s post, I asked our editorial team to let us know their peeves — the things that irritate, bother, …read more      

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These 2 Ridiculously Simple Tactics Will Boost Your Conversion Rates by Next Tuesday, Guaranteed

By Neil Patel


If there’s one thing I hear all the time, it’s this:

“Neil, I just want to get more conversions from my website.”

That’s it. That’s the big one.

I get it. Conversion rates are notoriously low.

By vertical. Low.

By channel. Low.


By device. Low.


It doesn’t matter whether I’m talking with a group of startup entrepreneurs in San Francisco, a meetup of marketers in Sao Paulo, …read more      

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What Not to Do (in Content Marketing)

By Sonia Simone

What Not to Do (in Content Marketing)

Some weeks are all sunshine and lollipops. This week is not that week.

Actually, all week we’ve been warning you of various colorful ways online professionals can shoot themselves in the foot. On Monday, I talked about a bunch of ways (around 30, I think) that people mess things up for themselves when they’re conducting their professional lives on the web. Some of them are silly, and some of them are serious. (I hope you’ll add your own advice in the comments!)

On Tuesday, Robert Bruce alerted us to the dangers of the writhing, pushing, sweating bodies …read more      

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5 Tactics to Appear in the Search Results That Don’t Require a Lot of Work

By Neil Patel


SEO doesn’t discriminate.

For brands that “get it” and have the know-how and resources, the coveted first page rankings are ripe for the picking.

But let’s be honest.

SEO is back-breaking and often mind-numbing work.

With a plethora of continually growing ranking factors and algorithm updates, staying on top is a daunting task.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Quite a few SEO tactics—requiring only marginal effort and little time—can help you appear in the search results.

I’m not saying that laziness and a half-hearted effort will get your brand to the top.

But I would like to discuss five specific tactics that don’t require a lot of …read more      

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