5 Elements that Build a Roster of Terrific Clients

By Sonia Simone

In the podcast episode I recorded recently with Seth Godin, we talked about storytelling — and he made a point I thought was fascinating.

Seth’s version of storytelling isn’t just crafting a plot in the traditional sense — the classic “The queen died, and then the king died of grief.”

He also looks at the implied stories in everything we do. We tell a business story with our tone of voice on a podcast, and the color choices on our website. Our pricing, our response time, our “Contact Me” form … they all come …read more      

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It’s Freelancer Freedom Week on Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone


Did you know that freelancers make up about a third of the U.S. workforce? I didn’t either, until I listened to Brian’s Unemployable podcast episode from last week.

What I did know is that freelancers have always been a wonderful part of our audience on Copyblogger. This week, we have a lot of great content to support freelance success — whether you’re freelancing full-time or you have a “side hustle” in addition to a more traditional job.

On Monday, I let you know about a program that’s very dear to me — our Certification program for content …read more      

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17 Facts about Search Psychology You Should Know

By Neil Patel


People are predictable.

They have a set of observable behaviors that can be analyzed and assessed in a scientific manner.

And when you get right down to it, marketing is all about psychology.

Understanding what makes consumers tick and what compels them to buy is your ticket to maximizing your ROI.

And it’s no different with SEM.

Get inside the heads of search users, and you can mount an effective strategy that can not only bring in leads but also get a sizable portion of them to convert.

In this post, I’d like to go over 17 specific facts about search psychology that will shape your …read more      

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2017 Content Excellence Challenge: The May Prompts

By Sonia Simone

Content Excellence Challenge: May Prompts

It’s May! Holy beans, the year’s nearly half over. I’m still wondering where March went, never mind April.

Here’s our pair of community prompts for this month. Each month in 2017, we’re giving you a pair of prompts — one to make you more productive, and one to improve your creativity or writing skill.

You can jump in anytime — and let us know about your experiences in the comments!

The May Productivity Prompt

Banish “Fine”

A few years back, I helped crowdfund a documentary called “I’m Fine, Thanks” about some folks who, in the words of one of the subjects, had “climbed the …read more      

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How to Run a Sustainable Writing Business (Where the Backbone of Success Is Simply … You)

By Stefanie Flaxman

"Knowing the business of writing and content marketing gives you an advantage over other (directionless) writers." – Stefanie Flaxman

You may love to write.

You may get a lot of positive feedback on your writing.

And you may have even picked up many great writing gigs over the years, solidifying your status as a professional writer.

But something is missing.

It’s difficult to balance writing for your existing clients and attracting new clients. Consequently, your writing income varies at different times throughout the year and the work you love to do never quite feels sustainable.

TET: the backbone of a sustainable writing business

Whether you’re just starting your writing business, or you’ve been building it for a while and are hoping …read more      

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