Why You Should Think Twice about Writing How-To Posts

By Lacy Boggs

“Write what you know.” It’s an old adage you’ve probably heard before. And many bloggers and content writers have taken…

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12 Tips for Creating Signup Forms That Convert

By Neil Patel

form fields

Every website can benefit from signup forms.

Depending on your business, these forms may vary greatly in their design and purpose.

Some of you are using signup forms to simply collect email addresses for your subscriber lists. Opt-in forms are great for your lead generation strategy.

Other companies rely on signup forms to acquire new customers. Subscription-based businesses need signup forms to generate revenue.

Signup forms improve communication between you and your current or prospective customers. They also allow you to share more information about your company while gaining insight into people who sign up.

Regardless of what you’re using signup forms for on …read more      

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What People Actually Want to Avoid (It’s Not Marketing and Selling)

By Stefanie Flaxman

Have you ever stopped paying attention to content when a publisher stepped up their marketing game? I know I have….

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11 Outdated SEO Tactics You Need to Retire

By Neil Patel


Just like most aspects of marketing and technology, search engine optimization has evolved over time.

Marketing strategies that were effective for your company five or ten years ago may not be as effective today. The same applies to SEO.

Search engines have changed the way they rank websites.

If your company hasn’t been staying up to date with the latest trends, your SEO strategy is outdated.

I see this problem all too often in my consulting work. Many companies still employ old strategies that no longer work.

That’s what inspired me to write this guide.

The outdated tactics on this list vary in terms of …read more      

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The Mindset and Insights that Will Bring You Wonderful Things in 2019

By Sonia Simone

Great to see you again after our Thanksgiving holiday! Our Black Friday promotion was great, and the whole team is…

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