A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Google Search Console Like a Boss

By Neil Patel


Killing it at SEO requires that you use a lot of different tools.

There’s SEO software, apps, analytics, and so on.

But in my opinion, one of the most helpful tools, pound for pound, is Google Search Console.

Formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools or GWT, Google Search Console is the name of the “free service offered by Google that helps you monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google Search results.”

It’s powerful, it’s potent, and it gives you a behind-the-scenes snapshot of how your site is performing on multiple levels.

More importantly, it provides you with insight into what needs your …read more      

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Getting Ready for a Powerhouse 2017

By Sonia Simone

Getting Ready for a Powerhouse 2017

Am I jumping the gun a little bit? 2016 is still right here, after all. Staring me in the face.

Let’s just call it getting a head start. On Monday, I launched a new series for the blog and the podcast … which I’m calling the 2017 Content Excellence Challenge.

It works like this: Every month, we get two prompts. One is creative (about becoming a better writer) and one is productive (about getting more work done).

We’ll take these prompts and turn them into habits … habits that support better and stronger content.

The Copyblogger FM podcast this …read more      

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Sonia Simone on the Productive Insights Podcast

By Caroline Early


On this episode of Elsewhere, Sonia Simone chats with Ash Roy on the Productive Insights Podcast about what it means to be a prolific content marketer.

In Part One of the show, Sonia and Ash discuss:

  • Understanding your audience and their needs
  • Content marketing’s role in today’s sale cycle
  • When and why to use guest posts
  • Developing your specific content marketing strategy

Listen to this Episode Now

The post Sonia Simone on the Productive Insights Podcast appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Creating Online Courses to Level Up from Freelance, with Carrie Dils

By Brian Clark


Many freelancers dream of the day that they’ll have sources of income other than from client work. Some hope to stop taking clients for good in favor of selling online training instead.

Carrie Dils did just that. A long time web developer, Carrie adopted the WordPress platform to do client work as a freelancer. But it was when she started training people over at Lynda.com that she became well-known in the WordPress community.

Now, you’ve heard me say over and over that you should never build your business on virtual land that you don’t own. So in this case you may be …read more      

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14 Advanced SEO Tactics That Your Competition Doesn’t Know About

By Neil Patel


Believe it or not, SEO is still an ultra-powerful tool in 2016.

I posted recently that SEO isn’t dead—far from it. If Google is still taking it seriously after all these years, you should too.

In fact, SEO might be more powerful than ever, and for one simple reason: Most sites are neglecting their SEO.

A lot of people have convinced themselves that SEO isn’t worth pursuing. Others tell themselves it shouldn’t be a priority.

It’s an easy mistake to make, and believe me, I’ve been there. I wasted time not taking SEO seriously, and it hurt me.

What does that mean for …read more      

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