Is Your Intro Silently Killing Your Show?

By Jerod Morris & Jon Nastor


Each introduction to every one of our shows presents a massive opportunity. An opportunity to orient your listener, establish pacing, drive intrigue, and keep them listening … or an opportunity to drag down your show before it even starts. In this episode of The Showrunner, we discuss tips to help you achieve the former and avoid the latter.

Jonny and I discuss:

  • What, exactly, constitutes the “intro” of a show?
  • The problems with bad intros
  • The four objectives you should have for your intro
  • Steps you can take, right now, to improve your intro

Listen, learn, enjoy …

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The Creative Entrepreneur: Living the Dream

By Brian Gardner & Lauren Mancke


On this week’s episode, we’re joined by Jason Schuller, a designer and maker of things for the web. His MO is always focusing on elegant simplicity, endlessly being inspired by awesome creative people, and relentlessly learning by making mistakes.

In this episode Brian Gardner, Lauren Mancke, and Jason Schuller discuss:

  • The creative career of Jason Schuller
  • Launching Press75
  • The decision behind the sale of Press75
  • The allure of side projects
  • Prioritizing family in business decisions
  • Creating work/life balance

Listen to this Episode Now

The post The Creative Entrepreneur: Living the Dream appeared first on Copyblogger.

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How to Start and Grow a Successful Membership Site (In Your Spare Time)

By Sean Jackson


Starting a membership site is hard work, especially if you have a full-time job. But with persistence and patience, it can pay off.

Our guest, Jerod Morris, shares his tactics and advice for growing a membership site. It was not easy — especially since his membership site competes with numerous online sport sites.

But he found his niche and kept working it, season after season, finding success after many years of perseverance.

And while his story is not unique, the ideas and tactics he shares on this show are priceless and can truly help you grow, and profit, from your work.

In this …read more      

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How to Create Amazing Content Even If You Feel Like an Industry Imposter

By Neil Patel


Imposter syndrome: “A collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. ‘Imposters’ suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.”

Have you ever felt like you’re living a lie?

Like you’re trying to cover up the fact that you don’t really know what you’re talking about?

That you’ll eventually be “found out?”

Maybe you’re actually quite knowledgeable and have significant industry experience, but you just can’t seem to shake off the pervasive feeling that you’re a fraud.

If this sounds like you, you’re likely suffering from an …read more      

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4 Creative Models for Finding the Right Niche for Your Online Business

By Sonia Simone

how to find and focus on the best niche

If you want your marketing to work, you have to focus.

You have to understand who your message is for, then speak to that person.

And you have to craft your offers to serve that person. Present options that appeal to her, that are in line with what she’s willing to spend, and that will benefit her in ways she cares about.

In other words … you need to specialize. You don’t have the budget to blanket the earth in ads that appeal to everyone, and neither do I.

One of the first things people do when thinking about <a class="colorbox" href="" …read more      

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