How to Create Product Pages that Produce the Results You Want

By Demian Farnworth

does your product page really work?

Do me a favor, dear content marketer. Type this phrase into Google: “You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One).”

I’ll wait.

Okay, did you do it? What is the top result?

It should be the product page for Jeff Goins’s ebook on Amazon.

In fact, the first entry should be the Kindle version and the second entry should be the paperback version — both on Amazon.

The third entry should be the author’s own product page dedicated to this book.

So, here’s a question for you: Why do you think Amazon has the top result and not the author’s own product page? …read more      

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Rainmaker Rewind: How to Book Engaging Podcast Interviews

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker.FM rewind

According to The Showrunner hosts Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor, there is one path that stands above all others as the simplest way to build an audience of responsive and loyal listeners.

It’s a path that removes the burden of constant content creation, places you at the forefront of a brand, and harnesses the power of experts and their audiences.

This path is an interview-based podcast.

In this week’s episode of The Showrunner, Jerod and Jonny thoroughly discuss the essential steps necessary to book engaging interview guests for your podcast — from tips about finding guests, …read more      

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The $100,000 Challenge: March Update

By Neil Patel

march update

We finally finished the last month of the $100,000 challenge. March was an awesome month for Nutrition Secrets. Not only did the traffic grow to 218,811 visitors, but revenue did too—it went up to $121,492.65.

It wasn’t hard to hit the revenue goals as we had enough fish oil in stock, plus we started to generate money from affiliate sales.

So let’s dive right in…


Compared to February, the traffic went up to 218,811 visitors and 269,814 pageviews. The increase was only 18,102, which isn’t much.

But considering that the popularity of nutrition and fitness sites is cyclical (January and February are most …read more      

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The 5-Step Process that Solves 3 Painful Writing Problems

By Brian Clark

writing tips - how to write clear, clean content

I once asked the Copyblogger community to name their biggest writing challenges.

From the many responses, a pattern developed:

  • How to get started
  • How to cut the fluff
  • How to finish

These three issues are really symptoms of the same painful problem, which boils down to not clearly understanding what you’re trying to accomplish with your writing. Don’t worry … it’s a fairly common ailment.

There’s a five-step process you can work through that will help clarify your objectives, which leads to greater clarity in your writing.

This method also helps you kick-start any writing project (and finish it) with only the necessary …read more      

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Cornerstone Content Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing glossary - what is cornerstone content?

Cornerstone content is vital for both seasoned bloggers and anyone launching a brand-new website because it can help you accomplish many of your content marketing goals.

Goals like:

  • Getting links to your website
  • Finding new readers
  • Attracting subscribers
  • Ranking in search engines for competitive keywords
  • Highlighting archived material

But what exactly is cornerstone content?

Watch our short video for cornerstone content

With help from our friends at The Draw Shop, we whipped up 12 definitions from our new Content Marketing Glossary into short, fun whiteboard animated videos.

Here’s our video for the definition of cornerstone content:

Animation by …read more      

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