9 Books Every Content Marketer Should Read

By Demian Farnworth

stock your shelves with these content marketing books

I’ve been struggling to write this post for some time because when you work in a field like content marketing, where the landscape can change from month to month, it’s difficult to recommend books to read.

And I read a lot of books.

For instance, books on social media written five years ago may be outdated today if some platforms mentioned are out of business.

That’s why these nine books focus on timeless principles — the fundamentals that helped you yesterday, help you today, and will help you tomorrow.

They’re the nine books you should read this year. And the nine …read more      

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Rainmaker Rewind: When to Shift Your Side Hustle Into Your Main Thing

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker.FM rewind

As Brian has previously discussed on Unemployable, everyone at every level usually has a side hustle going on. It’s the process by which we leverage what we’re doing now to do the next, bigger, and more gratifying thing.

This week, Brian welcomes Nathan Barry to the show to discuss how he turned his side project into his main thing.

Sometimes the signals are clear that the side project is ready to become the main thing (or at least part of your ever-expanding main thing). Other times, it takes a serious gut check and a leap of …read more      

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Content Audit

By Neil Patel


Is your content a mess?

It might be high quality (it might not be), but that doesn’t mean that it’s organized.

It also doesn’t mean that you’re producing all of the right kind of content that your readers want to see.

Most online businesses that use content marketing have weaknesses in their content.

Either the content isn’t performing as well as it could be, or they’re missing content on certain topics and keywords altogether.

And this includes good businesses too, so don’t feel bad if you don’t think your content marketing is quite as good as it could be.

Instead, recognize that this is an opportunity …read more      

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Okay … Here’s the Real Reason to Attend Digital Commerce Summit in Denver

By Sonia Simone

it'd be a lot cooler if you were there

You may have noticed that Copyblogger founder and Rainmaker Digital CEO Brian Clark lives in Colorado. I do, too, as do some of our wonderful virtual team.

And those of us in Colorado can’t help but notice a sharp shift in the tourists who visit our state every year.

Once, it was smiling families from around the world looking for superb skiing.

So yesterday.

Now … it’s heavy-lidded boys in hoodies, with snowboards on their backs and vapes in their pockets.

Cannabis enthusiasts are flocking to the state, creating a new era of what I like to call “freakotourism.” And we’ve decided to …read more      

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The Art of Finding Ideas

By Robert Bruce

for better or worse, a writer is working all the time

Every writer who has ever lived has lusted after ideas.

Where are they, how do I get them, and how do I keep them coming?

If you’ve been writing long enough, you know that — like Solomon — there is nothing new under the sun.

Try as you might to sweat them out of your head or pull them gently from the stars above, there are no new ideas.

So, relax.

But the page is not going to write itself, is it? Where then do we turn for ideas that work, ideas that move, ideas that persuade?

In short, we “steal” them.

The moment you …read more      

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