Rainmaker Rewind: Why Freedom Beats Money and Status

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker.FM rewind

This week’s edition of Rainmaker Rewind features a fascinating new episode of Unemployable about freedom, entrepreneurship, and the value of experiencing life on your own terms.

As you’ll learn, Natalie Sisson has spent the last few years of her life building her online business while living out of her suitcase.

Natalie is, without doubt, a freedom advocate. She calls her audience “Freedom-seekers” and sports a t-shirt that reads “Choose Freedom.”

In this episode, Brian and Natalie discuss just how multidimensional freedom actually is, beyond the “digital nomad” lifestyle.

Plus, they’ll explore how a smart pricing strategy can free you …read more      

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Save Time and Double Your ROI: A Guide to Applying the 80/20 Rule to Your Marketing

By Neil Patel


Marketing is rarely your only job…

…even if you’re a marketer.

Whether your job title is “marketer” or you own your own business and need to market it, marketing is only a part of your job.

You probably also help out with sales, product development, customer service, and any other tasks that need your attention.

This is why people often say that marketers wear many hats.

Can I tell you something that most people never learn?

It doesn’t have to be like this. The reason why marketers are forced to do so many things is because there’s too much to do.

Let me put it in other …read more      

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What Could Happen if You Launch a Podcast in the Next 30 Days?

By Jerod Morris

imagine your future in podcasting

Let’s start with a question you know the answer to:

What do you need to build a successful online business today?

Well, you start with a growing, loyal audience who views you as an authority. Content Marketing 101.

Now another question you probably can answer:

How do you stand out from the crowd, cut through the noise, and build an authentic connection with an audience when there is already so much content out there and more coming every day?

Isn’t it too … late?

No, it’s not too late.

But the reality of the content abundance all around us does mean that we cannot …read more      

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How to Add Suspense to Your Stories and Dramatically Improve Your Content

By Sean D’Souza

build anticipation to add interest to your content

At a TED conference in 2008, music conductor Benjamin Zander talks about the story of Shakespeare’s well-known play, Hamlet.

In Act One, scene three, Hamlet finds out that his uncle killed his father. Now Hamlet must have his revenge.

As the play progresses, Hamlet almost kills his uncle, but pulls himself back. He has many opportunities to get rid of his uncle, but somehow doesn’t finish the job.

So, is Hamlet a procrastinator?

“No, otherwise the play would be over, stupid,” Zander says. “That’s why Shakespeare puts all that stuff in Hamlet — Ophelia going mad, the play within the play, Yorick’s …read more      

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How to Apply Lean Marketing to Your Content Based Business

By Neil Patel


Almost every entrepreneur has made this mistake…

They spend months or even years building a product or a feature they think is going to change the world.

And then the day comes to release their work to the world. Guess what happens?


Turns out, people didn’t really want a Tinder for cats. Who knew?

Some ideas seem great to us but turn out to be total duds.

And it doesn’t just happen with the obviously crazy ideas either. It can happen even with those that seem logical and feel like sure things.

There is a solution you can use to avoid this problem as long as …read more      

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