How to Win on Facebook: 8 Lessons Learned From Analyzing 1 Billion Posts

By Neil Patel


If you want to know what works when it comes to marketing, you need to study the competition.

This includes the tough competition, but the weak competition as well.

By doing this, you can determine why the best succeed, and why the others fail in their efforts.

To do so effectively, you need to look at one particular area of interest.

The BuzzSumo team decided to compile as much data as possible on marketing on Facebook, and then complete an in-depth analysis.

Overall, they analyzed over 1 billion Facebook posts and came up with findings that will change the way you market on …read more      

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3 Resources to Help Beginners Become Professional Content Marketers

By Stefanie Flaxman

copyblogger collection - become a content pro

“Da” was the first pronoun I used to refer to myself as a small child. I think I was trying to say “I,” but I overcomplicated the word.

At any rate, whenever I encountered a new or challenging task — like growing human beings do — I would say out loud:

“Now how Da do dis?” (Translation: How do I do this?)

It became a running joke in my family, and it’s a phrase I still use today. When I sat down to write this article, I said to myself, “Now how Da do dis?” I say it to myself every …read more      

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The 79-Year Master Plan for Becoming Unforgettable

By Pamela Wilson

masterful moves that get attention and keep it

During his career he was loved, hated, admired, dissed, fought over … but never ignored.

His name? Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y …


Anybody with a name like that was bound to lead a big, bold, messy life, and Picasso did exactly that.

I have to confess that I’ve had a creative crush on him ever since I first encountered his work in my college art history class.

But it wasn’t until I stood in front of piece after piece of his art that I learned the most important lesson …read more      

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7 Ways to Make Your Brand and Content More Likable

By Neil Patel

like me

Do your readers love you? Do they at least like you?

These are serious questions even if they sound like questions you’d ask about your friends in grade school.

People have more choice than ever before.

Within 22 seconds, they can find 2-3 other blogs in your niche to read.

Within just a few searches, they can find a business that sells a similar product to yours.

It puts the reader and the customer in control.

If they fundamentally do not like you, your business, or your writing, they’re not going to stick with you.

Why would they?

And if they’re indifferent to you, that’s just as bad …read more      

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Why a Comprehensive Content Strategy Includes Podcasting

By Jon Nastor

how a podcast amplifies your message

What if there was a way to cut through the noise, get noticed, and make a real connection with your audience?

For many businesses, on-demand audio content is the way to do just that.

Podcasting is gaining in popularity, as you may have noticed, but the medium is not oversaturated.

There’s still plenty of room in the market for you, so don’t worry that you’re too late to get started.

It could be argued that podcasting is not right for every business. It could also be argued that blogging is not right for all businesses.

Yet, if your business takes content …read more      

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