Can You Spot the Expert? Test Your Knowledge of Google’s Content Quality Standards

By Demian Farnworth

the best way to get search engines to EAT (and serve) your content

Want to hear something scary? No, not scary like Five Nights at Freddy’s. More like disturbing. Alarming. Even depressing.

I used to write articles about:

  • How to protect yourself from necrotizing fasciitis
  • How to escape from an airplane safety slide
  • How to tell if you’ve been poisoned by sushi
  • Whether runners could benefit from platelet-rich plasma surgery
  • How much alcohol you should drink
  • Why the rate of concussions is higher among women

Now, what makes this admission scary is that I’m not a surgeon. And I’m not a nurse practitioner, physical therapist, or chiropractor.

In fact, I’ve never had any medical training in my life — nor …read more      

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The Complete Guide to Building a Successful YouTube Channel

By Neil Patel


There are opportunities everywhere for content marketers.

Different channels, different types of content, and different websites.

One that I think is criminally underutilized is a little site you might have heard of:


It’s by far the largest video sharing site—nothing even comes close to it.

Get this: YouTube has over 1 billion users.

Those billion users account for over 4 billion video views a day.

You can find literally any type of audience on YouTube, which means that just about any business can find a way to benefit from marketing on it.

And while other video sites have decent levels of …read more      

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3 Sources of Fuel for Sophisticated Content Marketers

By Stefanie Flaxman

copyblogger collection - stimulate your content marketing results

“Don’t worry; she’s nice” is a phrase a friend might comfort you with before you contact someone you don’t know.

Once you hear those words, relief sets in.

If we know “nice” is the preferable way to behave toward others, why is it that we all encounter many people who are not “nice?”

It’s a complicated question. Perhaps everyone has his or her own idea of what “nice” is. Regardless, you have the power to choose your behavior in any given situation. You can be a considerate, respectful person to other people.

“Considerate” and “respectful” are more concrete and less subjective than “nice.”

And …read more      

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How to Take the Guesswork Out of Content Marketing

By Pamela Wilson

stop guessing and start knowing

Authority, our advanced content marketing training program, is open to new members this week only.

Why should you care? Read on.

Here’s the harsh truth about any marketing: there’s no magic switch you can flip to turn it “on” and make it start working immediately.

Marketing with content is no exception to this rule.

Content marketing results happen slowly, and they happen over time.

If you do it right, you’ll create content that continues to send you new prospects and customers for many years after you created it.

If you do it right is the operative phrase here.

Content marketing reality check

Too often, your content …read more      

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The 6 Ways Your Content Marketing Might Be Broken (And How to Fix That)

By Neil Patel


I understand your frustration.

I see it every day.

I’m talking about marketers, or aspiring marketers, who put a lot of effort into their content marketing but just don’t get the results they need.

The truth is that effort does not equal results.

Working hard doing the wrong things won’t produce any significant results.

And that’s what most marketers do. They have a broken content marketing system.

While a lot of the pieces are right, they’re making a few big mistakes that are making their efforts fruitless.

I realize that it can be disheartening to hear that, but let me assure you that you are not alone.

According …read more      

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