Get More Out of Facebook: 12 Effective Tactics to Get More Shares and Likes

By Neil Patel


Everyone who uses Facebook for their business asks themselves the same question:

“How do I get more shares and likes?”

Even if you’re not active on Facebook, your readers can still share your content on Facebook to help you get even more traffic.

For 99% of businesses with an online presence, it makes sense to get as many shares and likes as possible.

Each time a Facebook user shares or likes your content, that content gets exposed to all of that user’s friends.

It helps you get more traffic, subscribers, and eventually customers.

But why Facebook when there are many other social networks you could focus …read more      

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3 Resources to Help You Achieve Digital Commerce Success

By Stefanie Flaxman

Copyblogger Collection - Use content to boost sales

I’ve never claimed I invented the Internet, but at one time I thought I invented the idea of a digital business. Let me explain.

In 2008, I set out to establish Revision Fairy, my own online editing and proofreading service. Since I wasn’t planning to interact with any clients in person or over the phone, my business, which would also sell ebooks, was 100 percent digital.

I thought I conjured up a revolutionary concept because I didn’t know anyone else who had ventured into this unknown, pixel-dominated territory. Simultaneously, I was struggling because I didn’t know where to look …read more      

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The Beautiful Message Joseph Campbell Was Really Trying to Tell Us

By Rainmaker.FM


In the last episode of Rough Draft, your host Demian Farnworth explored storytelling from a myriad of angles, culminating in a thorough vetting of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey concept.

This time, Demian thoroughly vets Campbell — the man — with superstar Campbell scholar Robert Segal.

Professor Segal is an unstoppable fount of knowledge about Campbell and his work, particularly the Hero’s Journey.

This is a frolicking good ride for those who love myth, psychology, and storytelling. Not to mention a little treat from your host about 20 minutes in. Not to be missed!

In this 55-minute episode of Rough Draft, you’ll discover:

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What Role Should Twitter Play in Your Show Promotion Strategy?

By Rainmaker.FM


Last week, The Showrunner hosts Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor teased a potential listener question being expanded into a full-fledged episode. They lied.

That listener question is actually being expanded into a two-part series about how to use social media to promote your show. In this episode, Jerod and Jon focus on Twitter.

Here is the question, via Jeff Leo Hermann:

Question regarding social activation (Twitter) and building your show brand versus your personal brand. I know the answer is, “It depends,” but I would like to hear the strategy behind @Showrunner.FM on Twitter with 370 followers and Jerod Morris and Jonny …read more      

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How to Get Money to Make Money

By Rainmaker.FM


In today’s media climate of irrational entrepreneurial exuberance, it’s all about raising that venture capital. Reality, however, is much different.

Most businesses, especially of the freelance and solopreneur variety, will never raise money from investors, nor should they. Bootstrapping is even making a comeback that resembles a movement in reaction to the silliness of the venture world.

In today’s episode of Unemployable with Brian Clark, Rainmaker Digital CFO Sean Jackson joins Brian to share his experiences with various forms of business finance, ranging from the buttoned-up to the ultra-creative.

They discuss:

  • The virtues of savings and bootstrapping
  • How to avoid the perils of “friends …read more      
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