This Type of Content Won’t Grow Your Audience

By Rainmaker.FM


Editor-in-Chief host Stefanie Flaxman explains why a certain type of content is like showing your vacation photos to strangers.

Avoid this common content mistake and discover what to do instead.

In this 10-minute episode of Editor-in-Chief, host Stefanie Flaxman discusses:

  • The difference between building your audience and serving your existing audience
  • How to evaluate your content ideas
  • Where to start when you want to grow your audience

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Editor-in-Chief on iTunes

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand digital business and marketing advice from experts, whenever …read more      

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The $100,000 Challenge: September Update

By Neil Patel

september traffic

I just wrapped up the sixth month of the $100,000 challenge. Traffic on has sharply gone up to 66,473—that’s a 62% increase from the previous month.

Most of the increase came from Facebook. In particular, it came from the post “What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Sugar,” which went viral. In addition to the Facebook traffic, search traffic has risen to 19,595—that’s a 45% increase over the previous month.

And although revenue is still at zero, there was a lot of progress made on that front. Let’s look at everything in detail…

Overall search traffic

The search traffic hasn’t gone up …read more      

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Free Webinar: Build a Business Around Paid Courses and Membership Sites

By Jerod Morris

Free Webinar - grow your profits with paid courses and member sites

The goal of running an online business built around digital products and services is as old as the Internet itself.

And there are no secrets or shortcuts.

There are:

  • Tried-and-true models for developing an online business the smart way
  • Technology solutions that simplify strategy implementation and make execution more efficient and effective

In our fourth Rainmaker Platform webinar, Brian Clark and I are going to discuss a couple of these tried-and-true models: courses and membership sites. These are models that Rainmaker Digital has extensive experience not just discussing and teaching, but actually doing (over and over).

Our previous webinar laid out …read more      

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Driving 10,000 Visitors a Month With Pinterest

By Neil Patel


Social media can be a great traffic source for almost any online business.

But which network is right for you?

For most businesses, it makes sense to start with the largest networks. No matter how narrow your audience is, it’s very likely you’ll find members of that audience active on these networks.

This means that most businesses should start with one of the following:

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

Although they are all huge, they are very different networks.

The best one for you will depend on your customers, your niche, and your marketing preferences.

Pinterest is the second biggest driver of referral traffic by a large margin.

<img …read more      

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3 Resources to Help You Get Smart about Your Social Media Content Strategy

By Stefanie Flaxman

Copyblogger Collection - harness the power of social media content

The other night, when I was standing in line for a comedy show, the guy behind me glanced up from staring at his phone and said, “So many people these days are making a living off of social media.”

“Oh? Is that right?” I played dumb, hoping he would elaborate.

Social Media Guy continued to explain the “possibilities” for financial success on SnapChat, Vine, and YouTube.

“Hmmm. Very interesting,” I replied.

Since I was off the clock, I refrained from giving him a lesson about digital sharecropping and how the real beneficiaries of these social media “possibilities” are the companies who build social media …read more      

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