A Sneak Peek at the Redesign of Copyblogger.com

By Pamela Wilson

Here's what's coming in the Copyblogger website redesign

Over the past few months, the team at Rainmaker Digital has been working hard to redesign Copyblogger.com.

We’re creating a new interface that will be easier to read and use. And we can’t wait to show it to you!

The new site isn’t quite ready yet. But in this post, we’re going to give you a sneak peek at what’s coming and why we’re making the changes you’ll see.

An easy-to-read serif font


For the first time in the history of Copyblogger, our text font will be a super clear and easy-to-read serif font.

<a class="colorbox" title="Serif font definition" …read more      

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How Joe Berkowitz (Journalist and Fast Company Editor) Writes: Part Two

By Rainmaker.FM


Author and Fast Company Editor Joe Berkowitz stopped by The Writer Files this week. His latest, a humor book titled You Blew It!: An Awkward Look at the Many Ways in Which You’ve Already Ruined Your Life, lands this October. He took a break from his busy schedule to rap with host Kelton Reid about how he survives the harried life of a big city journalist.

In addition to his work for Fast Company, Joe’s writing has been featured in The Awl, Salon, The Village Voice, Vulture, RollingStone.com, GQ.com, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and many others.

For a writer who works on …read more      

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Email Etiquette: How to Delight Your Newsletter Readers Each and Every Time

By Rainmaker.FM


If you send an email newsletter but worry you might be making mistakes or getting on people’s nerves, this episode of Hit Publish is for you.

Email marketing is a powerful, intimate way to reach your readers and nurture leads. But it’s something a lot of business owners struggle with.

What should you write about? How can you increase your chances of getting your email opened and read? This episode gives you an overview of what you need to know to get you started in the best possible way.

Tune in to Hit Publish to find out:

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Minimalism, Success, and How to Be a Big Shot

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer might seem like a “soft” topic, but it also ties tightly to serious pragmatism about how to reach your goals — and more to the point, what reaching your goals is going to do for you.

Everyone wants a little more success, and everyone has goals they’re aiming for, but the quality of your life can be greatly influenced by the kinds of goals you chase.

In this 17-minute episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, host Sonia Simone talks about:

  • What Sonia thinks drives the quest for stuff
  • Two problems with minimalism
  • Why it’s okay (and …read more      
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Shakespeare’s 5 Rules for Making Up Words (to Get Attention)

By Demian Farnworth

Shakespeare's best word concoction tips

Advertising. Bloodstained. Cold-blooded. Epileptic. Fashionable. Hobnob. Moonbeam. New-fangled. Puking. Swagger. Worthless. Zany.

Those are just a sample of the many words William Shakespeare invented.

In fact, some say he invented somewhere between 1,700 and 2,200 words — possibly more. It’s no surprise the English language owes a massive debt to Shakespeare.

But Shakespeare doesn’t have a monopoly on inventing words. He wasn’t the first to do it, and he certainly wasn’t the last to create new words.

In fact, every year we introduce new words into the English language. Some fade out quickly, while others become part of the canon. …read more      

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