Why the Ad Blocking Panic Shouldn’t Scare Smart Publishers

By Demian Farnworth

No ads? No problem

Let’s do a little thought experiment for a minute.

Imagine a life without The Awl, The Huffington Post, the New York Times, Drudge Report, The Onion, The Toast, The Verge, or Vox.

Without Brain Pickings, Slate, FiveThirtyEight, Pitchfork, The Paris Review, Mental Floss, Vice, xoJane, ProPublica, Quartz, Marc and Angel, or Grantland.

You get the idea; I want you to imagine a life without your favorite online publications. A digital content ghost town. Got it?

Now my question for you is this: would your life be better or worse without these publications?

And be honest …

It’s a question you have to answer …read more      

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Why (and How) Selling Ourselves Makes a Difference, with Matthew Kimberley

By Rainmaker.FM


Speaker, coach, and author Matthew Kimberley of How to Get a Grip talks with Youpreneur.FM host Chris Ducker about selling, marketing, and the critical importance of speaking your audience’s language.

Why do so many small business owners struggle with sales? Chris invited his good friend and fellow Brit Matthew Kimberley to share his thoughts on the subject in today’s podcast.

Matthew is a masterful salesman, a renowned author of the self-help book How to Get a Grip, and the head of the Book Yourself Solid coaches training program.

On this show, Matthew shares his candid and often hilarious anecdotes on how …read more      

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Revisiting Authenticity: What It Is, What It’s Not, and Why It Matters

By Rainmaker.FM


Creating a remarkable experience for an audience starts with authenticity, which should never be confused with transparency.

In this week’s episode of The Lede, Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth (Hey! They’re back together again!) tackle the topic of authenticity to give you a better understanding of how to create an authentic connection with your audience, no matter what type of content you’re creating.

Jerod has discussed authenticity a lot in relation to podcasts. He wanted to hear Demian’s thoughts on how developing an authentic connection may differ depending on the medium.

Among the topics discussed:

  • Why authenticity is one of the essential elements …read more      
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The Extraordinary Value of Sharing and Being a Connector

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is the Founder, Publisher, and CEO of Momtrends.com. She left her role as an executive at Ralph Lauren to launch the Momtrends blog in 2007.

Momtrends has grown massively since then and is now a boutique media brand, which provides moms with the latest news on all things trendy and cool. It has an ever-growing mom community with more than 150,000 visitors to the site and its social media channels each month.

On top of this (and with the help of her team), she has created a successful events business that connects top-tier brands with influential …read more      

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Autoresponder That Subscribers Can’t Wait to Open

By Neil Patel


Email autoresponders are the holy grail of marketing.

You set up a sequence of emails once, and you’re done.

Thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of people will get exactly the same emails from you, in the same order.

This allows you to create an unbelievably consistent level of service.

Perhaps the most underrated benefit of autoresponders is that they exist within email marketing, the most profitable channel of marketing.

Capterra found that every one dollar spent on email marketing resulted in $44.25 of revenue. So, not only can autoresponders save you a lot of time, but they can also be extremely effective in …read more      

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