The Simple Guide to Moving Your WordPress Site to a New Domain

By Neil Patel


We’re SEOs and marketers, right?

Although we might know a bit of the technical stuff, that’s really more for developers.

But sometimes, hiring a developer to help out with something isn’t possible.

Maybe you can’t afford it, or maybe you would have to wait too long.

That’s where you need to take matters into your own hands.

One situation that every SEO faces at one point or another is having to move their site to a new domain.

It seems like it should be easy…Just copy and paste everything from to

But if you’ve never done it before, it’s a lot harder than …read more      

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The Perfect Anatomy of a Modern Web Writer [Infographic]

By Demian Farnworth

The Perfect Anatomy of a Modern-Day Web Writer (Infographic)

High school was an era of my life I never really want to repeat. Not because it was a nightmare. Yes, there was a little turbulence, but mostly bewilderment and embarrassment.

  • Why do I have to read The Old Man and the Sea while my gym teacher sleeps behind a newspaper?
  • Why do I have to stand in the cold with other lackluster teenagers waiting for a bell to ring?
  • And why am I wearing a white leather jacket with padded shoulders?

To this day, I have no clue why they gave me a diploma:

Me: Did I do something to earn this?”

High School: No. …read more      

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How Andy Weir (Bestselling Author of ‘The Martian’) Writes: Part One

By Rainmaker.FM


The New York Times bestselling author of The Martian dropped by The Writer Files to chat with host Kelton Reid about his writing process and the upcoming movie adaptation of his hit book, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Matt Damon (release date October 2, 2015).

The author’s journey to #1 on the New York Times Best Sellers list began as a humble series of blog posts that grew enough interest to demand self-publishing to Amazon. When The Martian’s popularity sky-rocketed, traditional publisher Random House called, and the rest is history.

From software engineer to sci-fi phenom, Andy is a down-to-earth writer …read more      

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How Local Businesses Can Use Content to Build Buzz about Their Brands

By Rainmaker.FM


If you are a small business working in a specific geographical location, can you still benefit from hitting publish and creating content to market your business? The answer is yes, and Hit Publish host Amy Harrison has some specific ways to help you build your local profile through content.

This week’s show is inspired by a Dear Amy letter from a Hit Publish listener from the city Amy was born in: Hull.

He runs a local business and wanted to know whether it was possible for small local businesses to create the type of content that builds authority and attracts attention to …read more      

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Mentorships, Delegation, and the Difference Between Managing and Leading: A Conversation with Chris Ducker

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is a virtual CEO, serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker, host of The New Business Podcast, blogger, and four-time bestselling author. His businesses include Virtual Staff Finder, Live2Sell, and now his latest, YouPreneur.

His book, Virtual Freedom, has sold more than 30,000 copies on Amazon. Virtual Freedom is the essential guide to running and growing a business with the help of virtual staff.

In fact, if it wasn’t for this guy and his Tropical Think Tank conference, Hack the Entrepreneur would not exist.

Now, let’s hack …

Chris Ducker.

In this 45-minute episode of Hack the Entrepreneur, host Jon Nastor and …read more      

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