How to Choose a Solid Email Service and Build Your List on a Firm Foundation

By Beth Hayden

find the best email service for your business

Whether you want to sell products from your website, advertise your coaching services, or promote a book, building an email list will allow you to bond with your prospects and make more sales.

The big question is: if you know building a list is the smart thing to do as a content marketer, what’s stopping you?

More than likely, you’re overwhelmed.

There are a plethora of tools you can use to set up and manage your email list, and you may be completely confused.

Conquer your email marketing confusion

You probably have several questions:

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Dan Pink on the State of Free Agent Nation in 2015 (And Beyond)

By Rainmaker.FM


In 1997, a young man quit his job to become a writer. In January 1998, an article he wrote entitled “Free Agent Nation” appeared in a young magazine called Fast Company, and a career was launched.

That article proved viable demand and led to a book deal. The interesting intersection here is that another young man who had quit his job to become a writer was featured in the book version of Free Agent Nation, and that young man was Brian Clark.

Oh yeah … the first guy’s name is Daniel Pink. He’s written five provocative books, including three long-running New York …read more      

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Hot Seat: Grilling Jerod Morris on Using Audio Content to Seed a Content Arsenal

By Rainmaker.FM


This week’s episode of The Lede begins a three-part series in which Pamela “Battle-ax” Wilson joins Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth, and the three take turns in the hot seat. This week, it’s Jerod’s turn, as Demian and Pamela grill him on the idea of using audio content as the starting point for a sophisticated content strategy.

The basis for this episode is the webinar that Jerod hosted with Brian Clark on August 27, 2015. If you missed that webinar, you can view the replay here:

Start a Podcast to Attract Attention and Seed Your Content Library

The big idea of …read more      

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How to Become an Expert in Your Field and Love What You Do

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is an author, speaker, personal transition expert, educator, strategic advisor, and most of all, an entrepreneur.

She has authored several incredible books, including her most recent, Business Dating: Applying Relationship Rules in Business for Ultimate Success.

She has passionately served professionals as a coach and mentor for 15 years and says she empowers others to shed limiting beliefs, dream big, and go for what they truly want. She is also the CEO and President of Honorée Enterprises, Inc., which provides coaching and mentoring in business, careers, and divorce.

Now, let’s hack …

Honorée Corder.

In this 37-minute episode of …read more      

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How to Turn Bad News into Happy Customers

By Rainmaker.FM


Anyone can share shiny, happy news in their content — but when it’s time to deliver something less positive, you want to think carefully about how you present the message.

In this session, Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer host Sonia Simone breaks down a well-crafted “negative” message and pulls out the elements that make it work.

Sonia also talks about the psychology of pricing and what your prices communicate about your business.

Also in this 26-minute episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer …

  • A masterful example of a price increase
  • The formula (yes, there is one) for effective persuasive content
  • A more advanced …read more      
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