Why These Famous Time-Management Techniques Are Ruining Your Productivity

By Rainmaker.FM


Most creative people will take your head off if you butt in while they are “flowing.”

But that’s exactly what the Pomodoro technique does, a popular time management trick designed to boost your productivity.

The concept is simple: set a kitchen timer for 25 minutes and work until it rings. Then take a short break.

Eugene Schwartz swore by a similar method. He gunned for 33.33 minutes (not sure how he managed the .33 part given he wasn’t using a digital clock — I guess he eyeballed it).

During those 33 plus minutes he could do anything he wanted: stare out the window, …read more      

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Be a Better Copywriter: 7 Lessons From 4 Legendary Books

By Neil Patel


Although digital copywriting is relatively new, copywriting has been used for hundreds of years to sell products.

Some of the best books on copywriting I have ever read were written decades ago. Some are even older than that.

And it’s a shame that they don’t get the attention they deserve—mainly because we often equate new with better.

But a lot of the new marketing and copywriting lessons and techniques you read about on blogs aren’t new at all.

In this article, I’m going to break down seven lessons from the following four books:

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Is Podcasting Replacing Written Content Marketing?

By Pamela Wilson

spoken words vs. written words

That is the question.

It’s the question I’m asked as soon as someone discovers that I manage the editorial team for Copyblogger.

You see back in March, there was a sudden influx of audio content here on the pages of Copyblogger. We launched our podcast network — Rainmaker.FM — and (of course) wanted to share the new content we were creating with all of you.

But we may have confused you, too. Based on the questions I get, we’ve certainly confused at least some of you.

I’m here today to set the record straight. …read more      

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How Neuroscientist Michael Grybko Defines Storytelling

By Rainmaker.FM


Have you ever wondered why storytelling is such an omnipresent theme of human life? Welcome to another guest segment of “The Writer’s Brain,” where Kelton Reid picks the brain of a neuroscientist about elements of great writing.

Research scientist Michael Grybko — of the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington — returned to the podcast to help Kelton define storytelling from a scientific standpoint.

If you missed the first two installments of The Writer’s Brain — on How Neuroscience Defines both Creativity and Empathy — you can find them on writerfiles.fm and <a class="colorbox" href="http://feeds.copyblogger.com/~/t/0/0/copyblogger/~https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id984527862" …read more      

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How to Write Multiple Magnetic Tweets About Any Content (Without Being Repetitive)

By Rainmaker.FM


If you’re using social media channels such as Twitter to promote your content, then this show is for you. This week, Hit Publish host Amy Harrison is looking at different ways you can ‘beef up your tweets’ and write multiple updates to promote just one post (without sounding boring or repetitive).

When you’re posting tweets (or other social media updates) to get people to your content, it can feel like you are broadcasting again and again, just repeatedly sending out information and hoping someone bites.

But social media is really just a conversation, so when you’re thinking about what to write, …read more      

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