How to Create Effective Content Experiences

By Rainmaker.FM


This is the final part of the three-part Adaptive Content series on The Mainframe.

Hosts Tony Clark and Chris Garrett discuss how you can use adaptive content to create richer content experiences that work for attraction, retention, and conversion.

In this episode:

  • The priority content areas you should focus on
  • Where to start, and what you need to pull together
  • How to utilize the assets you have, in the beginning and over time

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About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital commerce and content marketing podcast network. Get on-demand …read more      

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A Creative Email Trick for Becoming a Plain Spoken Writer

By Rainmaker.FM


Writing is weird. Unlike speaking, it’s not something we do naturally. And unless we train ourselves out of it, that weirdness renders some creative, but wooden and dense prose.

Speaking is a natural act. Every single human being has the ability to do it. And at a very young age. The reason why, says cognitive scientist and linguist Stephen Pinker, is because we have a language instinct.

We master this instinct as we imitate sounds made by mom and dad, brother and sister, nana and popo.

Soon we are forming one word sentences, then two and three words sentences, and, at around …read more      

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How to Become an Exceptional Writer

By Demian Farnworth

4 ways to become an outstanding writer

A man and boy sit in an old house crowded with furniture, sunlight, and dust.

A guitar rests on the boy’s knee. Tiny fingers grip and pluck the strings. The man is nodding, rocking as the boy plays.

The man is Jack White — of The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, and The Dead Weather fame. The boy is his son. This scene is part of the documentary It Might Get Loud.

As Jack White teaches his son to play guitar, he says:

You have to fight the guitar … And you have to win.

That’s an incredible piece of advice for …read more      

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Get More Clients With An Online Lead Generation Strategy That Works

By Rainmaker.FM


Everyone’s fixated on getting traffic, whether paid or organic. As if, somehow, this will unlock the door to a flood of new clients.

Truth is, traffic should be the last thing on your mind. Sure, you need it, but if you don’t have the right marketing system in place that attracts leads and properly nurtures them over the buying cycle, you’re just burning cash with any form of online advertising.

Today on Unemployable, Brian Clark shares the exact marketing system he used to attract more clients than he could handle back in the day. Plus, Brian reveals the tweaks that make this …read more      

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How to Effectively Publish on LinkedIn, Part 2

By Rainmaker.FM


If you want to make sure your published articles are ranked high on the Pulse Network, you won’t want to miss this second episode of The Missing Link’s three-part series on LinkedIn publishing.

In this episode, Gericke Potgieter — author of How to Feature on LinkedIn Pulse — shares the results of his research that analyzed more than 560 posts on LinkedIn across 48 channels.

From his work, you’ll learn details on how the LinkedIn algorithm determines your post’s sharability and what you can do to make sure it gets the most traffic.

Plus, host Sean Jackson and Mica Gadhia share a few …read more      

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