4 Writing Lessons from a Depressing Music Project

By Rainmaker.FM


Hey, because this is episode 90 of Rough Draft, let’s do something a little different today. Let’s talk music.

Do you recognize any of these names?

  • The Antlers
  • Real Estate
  • Tune-Yards
  • M83
  • Beirut
  • Wye Oak
  • Feist
  • Tom Waits
  • The Head and the Heart
  • James Blake
  • Radiohead

If you do recognize any of those names, then Demian Farnworth can probably predict this about you: you prefer music on the margin over music in the mainstream.

And you had your ear to the ground in 2011.

If you don’t, and prefer the mainstream over the marginal, then you likely recognize at least two names: Tom Waits and Radiohead. Demian will tell you …read more      

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The 8 Underused Components of Compelling Content That Readers Love

By Neil Patel


Do you wonder why people don’t seem to care about your content?

You’re targeting interesting keywords and sharing your content with the right communities but only get a few hundred views and a couple of comments if you’re lucky.

If you’re in this situation, you’re doing most things right.

But there’s at least one major thing holding you back. Most likely, it’s because your content isn’t quite good enough.

Ouch. I know that stings. But the reason that it isn’t quite at the level it needs to be isn’t because you don’t know your niche or can’t write a good blog post. It’s because …read more      

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The Law of (Content) Attraction

By Sonia Simone

how to attract the right people to your business

You may have heard of the “Law of Attraction.” This is the idea that if you think about something enough, it will quasi-magically appear in your life.

At its most simplistic, it can get pretty silly — the equivalent of thinking you can click your heels together and repeat “There’s No Place Like Home” to whisk yourself back to Auntie Em.

That’s not what I’m going to talk about today. I’m going to talk about something that’s almost as “spooky,” but much more pragmatic.

It’s the way that content — if you structure it correctly — has a magical-seeming way of …read more      

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17 Tools That’ll Take Your Social Media Marketing Results to The Next Level

By Neil Patel

social media

Social media is a wasteland of productivity.

Marketers use social media to grow their businesses. Most, however, are wasting their time.

I’m not saying social media is a bad marketing channel. In fact, as you’ve seen in the nutrition site case study, I use platforms such as Facebook to drive tons of quality traffic to my websites.

Clearly, I’m not the only one.

In 2014, 92% of marketers stated that they put a high value on social media as a marketing platform.

Knowing that, it’s not surprising that 8 out of 10 small and medium sized businesses incorporate …read more      

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Why Podcasting Is a Crappy Hobby, but a Great Job (Or Is It?)

By Rainmaker.FM


And now for something slightly different. This episode of The Showrunner was recorded backwards and worked surprisingly well — or did it?

The episode was inspired by a statement Roman Mars made during his keynote presentation at Podcast Movement 2015.

As you will hear, Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor have strong and opposing opinions about Roman’s choice of words. In the end, they both realized that Jon’s opinions on this matter are better articulated, contradict his original points, and are just plain funny.

In this episode of The Showrunner, hosts Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor discuss:

  • Is podcasting really a “shit hobby, but …read more      
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