How to Create a Visual Brand and Fight the Dark Forces

By Rafal Tomal

How to Create a Visual Brand and Fight the Dark Forces

Have you seen Star Wars? Of course you have.

My colleagues at Copyblogger are a little crazy about this movie, so when they found out that I had never seen Star Wars, they all freaked out.

The next day, I received a package with the complete trilogy on Blu-ray (the original one, of course) from our Chief Digital Officer, Chris Garrett.

I rushed to my TV set and watched them all at once.

I really enjoyed the films, but the visual branding of the dark forces really held my attention.

What can we learn about building a visual brand from Star Wars?

Find …read more      

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How a Life-Long Entrepreneur Transformed into a Full-Time Author

By Rainmaker.FM


Joanna Penn is a life-long entrepreneur that has also worked for major corporations and has even run her own scuba diving business. But after years of not finding what made her happy, she turned to writing books and found the true success she’d wanted all along.

Fifteen books later, this fiction and nonfiction author is the epitome of success in the self-publishing movement.

Want to know how to leave your day job and become a full-time successful author? This interview is for you …

In this episode of Authorpreneur, host Jim Kukral and Joanna Penn discuss:

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Behind the Scenes: The Reimagining of

By Rainmaker.FM

nr-behind-the-scenes-6 started it all on this particular crazy portion of the journey. It’s constantly evolved over the years, and it’s about to take another giant step forward.

When you strip away the fact that Copyblogger has historically been the mothership platform for our company, you realize that it’s essentially a membership site with free and paid components.

The foundational elements of a scalable, replicable membership site model are already in place there. We’ll be talking about that in the future, but first we’re taking it to the next level for our own sites — and that job is in the hands …read more      

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How to Find and Tap into Unmet Demands

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is a successful author and screenwriter, and he has written a book and produced a movie about his life, called I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell.

His books have sold more than three million copies and have been translated into 30 different languages.

He also founded (and sold) Tropaion Publishing, which pioneered the idea of author as publisher. He later co-founded Book in a Box after a busy entrepreneur asked if she could write a book without actually writing it.

The company’s mission is to help people turn their wisdom, knowledge, and ideas into professionally published …read more      

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An Editor-in-Chief’s Responsibilities in the Digital Age

By Rainmaker.FM


Jerod Morris, VP of Rainmaker.FM, stops by Editor-in-Chief to discuss the responsibilities of an Editor-in-Chief in today’s on-demand digital content world.

Does the current role of an Editor-in-Chief in the digital space differ from the traditional definition of an Editor-in-Chief?

In this 27-minute episode of Editor-in-Chief, host Stefanie Flaxman and Jerod Morris discuss:

  • The contemporary content marketing environment
  • How to make a significant contribution to your industry
  • Why connection is king
  • The critical importance of editorial standards in the digital age
  • The similarities between the Editor-in-Chief mindset and The Showrunner mindset
  • The difference between a podcast and a show
  • Common misconceptions about sustainability and profitability
  • One single action you can …read more      
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