What it Takes to Leave the Corporate World (and Not Look Back)

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is the founder and CEO of Small Business Trends, an award-winning online publication, which offers breaking news and advice for small business owners.

She is a former corporate attorney that left that corporate life and founded her own company in 2003.

She is considered an authoritative voice on small business issues and has been noted and quoted in respected publications (such as the Wall Street Journal).

Her name has appeared in multiple “top” lists, and she was featured as one of Hubspot’s 100 Most Powerful Women on Twitter.

Now, let’s hack …

Anita Campbell.

In this 35-minute episode of Hack …read more      

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7 Common Mistakes Writers Make When Pitching to Editors

By Rainmaker.FM


Do you have pet peeves about human interactions? What types of behavior absolutely drive you nuts?

You could hate when someone doesn’t say “thank you” when you hold a door open for him or become extremely irritated when someone chews gum too loudly.

Editors are humans with pet peeves, as well, so if you’d like an editor to review — and possibly publish — your writing, there are certain actions you should avoid.

In this 32-minute episode of Editor-in-Chief, host Stefanie Flaxman discusses:

  • A common grammar mistake Stefanie recently made
  • 7 common mistakes writers make when emailing editors (and how to fix each mistake)
  • How …read more      
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Do Millennials (Really) Hate Long Copy?

By Rainmaker.FM


Allow Demian Farnworth to tell you a story. A story that you will probably be able to relate to in some sense.

It’s about a stout, whiskered man who thinks sound decisions can come only from a cool head. And that copy should always be short.

“I would never read this. It’s too long.” That’s a pervasive sentiment that will never die. Demian runs into it all the time, most recently with a young man asking for studies, who was suggesting Millennials would not read long copy. That they all have ADHD.

That thought is baloney. Here’s why …

In this 10-minute episode …read more      

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The 5 Stages of Blog Growth: How Your Traffic Tactics Should Change as You Grow

By Neil Patel

blog stages

If you know exactly what you’re doing, you can build a blog that gets over 100,000 visitors per month in less than year—from scratch.

Chances are, however, you don’t know exactly what you need to do to achieve that, but that’s okay.

The fact that you’re here and ready to learn means that one day, you will know what you need to do to create a fully sustainable business from your blog.

Another factor is the time it takes. Some of you may be able to build a thriving blog in a year, while others may take two, three, …read more      

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Launching a New Product? These 5 Tips Will Get You the Testimonials You Need

By Demian Farnworth

girl with butterfly net - how to capture those elusive testimonials

Take a moment to try this thought experiment … At what point in your life did you look at your birth certificate to confirm that you were indeed born on the day that your parents said you were born?

For most people, the answer is never. You simply took your parents’ word. Because you trusted them.

Your parents hopefully did a lot of things to help build that trust — like feed and clothe you, teach you lessons, play with you, and protect you. People who don’t have that experience, however, feel something entirely different: they question everything. They don’t inherently trust.

For …read more      

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