Three Subscription Revenue Models for Digital Content and Services

By Rainmaker.FM


Digital + Recurring Revenue = Win. Easier said than done, right?

As discussed last week on New Rainmaker with Brian Clark, digital products and services plus subscription revenue are The Two Components of The Perfect Online Business Model. Let’s talk a little more about the subscription side of things.

This week, author and entrepreneur John Warrillow joins Brian as co-host, and they’ve got three models for you to contemplate when piecing together your perfect business. John is the author of The Automatic Customer: Creating a Subscription Business in Any Industry and the founder of two recurring revenue businesses.

In …read more      

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Building a Business at the Intersection of Art and Commerce

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is an artist, musician, and entrepreneur who made his first record when he was 12, began playing in clubs when he was 14, and started his own music publishing company at 18. Yeah.

His passion for music and technology led him to found the music licensing firm Rumblefish in his college dorm room. That company quickly achieved the industry’s first podcast license, a fully automated online music licensing store, and it inked a groundbreaking micro-licensing deal with YouTube.

Rumblefish became the largest music licensing company for independent music in the world and was acquired …read more      

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This Is the Most Fun You’ll Ever Have ‘Explaining the Mechanism’

By Rainmaker.FM


Here’s yet another way to build credibility and trust when it comes to making a bold claim … which is simply this: explain the mechanism behind your claim.

Let’s say you’re a fitness trainer who makes the claim that in just 14 minutes a day customers can add muscle to every inch of their bodies — including their calves.

But notice what is not suggested: that these will be particularly big muscles. The implication is, at the very least, customers can achieve a toned body.

That’s still a big claim, but the trainer can bring it into the realm of believability by explaining …read more      

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The Day After: 11 Things to Do After You Publish a Post

By Neil Patel


Clicking the “Publish” button is one of the highlights of my day.

Working hard on a post and then putting it out there to help others is extremely rewarding. It’s one of the main reasons why I continue to write so much.

But it’s not the only reason…

Content marketing remains one of the most effective strategies to grow a blog—any blog.

Eighty-six percent of marketers in North America use content marketing, and 71% of marketers (overall) are planning to increase spending on content marketing.

Creating great content is an extremely important part of any successful content marketing strategy. But …read more      

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How to Create a Minimum Viable Digital Business

By Chris Garrett

simple ways to get started today

Overwhelm is fast becoming the modern entrepreneur’s disease.

If you are feeling overwhelmed in your digital business right now, take comfort in the fact you are not alone, and there are solutions!

As Pamela Wilson explained last week, you don’t need to bite off more than you can chew.

But what exactly is the minimum required to get your business moving in the right direction?

And how do you get started in a manageable way?

Let’s find out …

First, why you?

You have a few big questions to answer first. Everything hinges on this, because these questions alone can bring on those overwhelm feelings.

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