What You Don’t Know about Your Product Can Kill Your Copy

By Rainmaker.FM


Your product has two identities. But your customer buys your product because of just one of these identities. Oops.

See, when you pay $5,000 for your son’s braces, you aren’t buying a middle-aged man to follow you around in a white coat … nor are you buying stainless-steel rods to stick in your son’s mouth.

What you are buying are straight teeth. But not even that. You are buying what those straight teeth mean: beauty over bullying.

And I don’t run out to Lowe’s and drop $100 because I woke up dreaming about cordless drills.

I …read more      

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Tamagotchi, Pet, File, And New File

Growing up in an apartment can be hard, but when you live in a big city like Sao Paulo it becomes even harder. Space is always limited and your parents are never really keen on adding anyone else unless strictly necessary. My parents weren?t different, so as soon as I mentioned I wanted a dog, they …

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How to Boost Your Conversions with Split Testing

By Rainmaker.FM


Split-testing can create massive improvements in your results, and there is an entire industry of tools, techniques, and consultants ready to help you achieve those improvements.

And it does not have to be difficult, expensive, or complex to get started.

In this episode of The Mainframe, Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal:

  • How you can make huge gains, quickly and easily
  • The mindset you should employ with your testing (hint: it is not about being perfect!)
  • How to get started, and what you should focus on first
  • The mistakes people make in testing and how to avoid them

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Bill Kenney on Branding Your Business the Right Way

By Rainmaker.FM


Whether or not we care to admit it, in today’s world, looks are pretty much everything. The way we are perceived matters, and that’s the bottom line.

It’s time to embrace this reality and start building your business around the idea that at any given moment, you and your business are being judged by your “cover.”

In this 40-minute episode of No Sidebar, host Brian Gardner and Bill Kenney discuss:

  • The struggles of working from home
  • What Focus Lab is and how it got started
  • Why workflow and process matter in a creative agency
  • How to handle issues during …read more      
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Rift Headset Launch, Final Hardware Design, Dogpatch Studios, And Release Timeline

We?ll be at Dogpatch Studios in SF to check out the latest from Oculus, which is most likely going to share some details regarding its upcoming consumer Rift headset launch (set for early 2016). Hopefully we?ll get a lot more specific on release timeline and price, as well as final hardware desig…

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