Solve Your Online Proofreading Problems With This Simple Trick

By Rainmaker.FM


This episode of Rough Draft is for anyone with limited time and limited proofreading skills. Like host Demian Farnworth.

There’s a common myth web writers fall for: the idea that proofreading online isn’t nearly as important as writing for print. If you believe that, you would be wrong.

Proofreading is essential.

So today Demian is happy as a kitten to introduce you to Stefanie Flaxman, Copyblogger’s Editor-in-Chief, who will help you choose the right words and teach you time-saving ways to improve your copy.

You are going to love Stefanie because she doesn’t consider herself a …read more      

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A New Way to Think About Your Show’s U.S.P.

By Rainmaker.FM


One of the common threads from the speakers at Authority Rainmaker was the importance of differentiation.

In this new episode of The Showrunner, Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor provide a new way to view the unique selling proposition of your show.

After opening with a brief discussion about incredible benefits you can gain from taking online relationships offline, Jerod and Jon dig into differentiation.

During their discussion, you’ll learn:

  • What Sally Hogshead meant by “different is better than better” (and how it will help your show)
  • Why you need to know what your “unique show positioning” is
  • How …read more      
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Chris Brogan on the Business of Being Yourself

By Rainmaker.FM


As cliché as it sounds, some of the best business advice you can get is simply … be who you are.

It sounds impractical that in a ruthless world filled with corporations, venture capitalists, and never-ending competition, we’re encouraged to drop our personas and keep things real.

From being different, to taking risks, you’ll gain a tremendous amount of knowledge in this episode of No Sidebar. Chris Brogan says, “We often mistake busy for progress,” and he’s no rookie when it comes to giving entrepreneurial advice.

Listen up and take notes, as one of the most successful marketing and …read more      

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How to Come Up with Winning A/B Tests Using Data

By Neil Patel

How to Come Up With Winning A/B Tests Using Data

One way to increase your sales is to improve your conversion rate, right? Although it’s true, conversion rate optimization isn’t easy.

If you just base your tests on your gut feelings, you may find a few winning variations, but chances are, most of them will lose.

So, how you do improve your conversions? You have to analyze data before you run A/B tests. Here’s how you can use data to improve your conversion rates.

Click on the image below to see a larger view:

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic.


I run hundreds of A/B tests, and the variations …read more      

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The Free Content Trap Writers Always Fall Into

By Demian Farnworth

how to use the power of the free offer

The other day I was walking to our neighbor’s house to let his dog out. It was noon, bright, and hot. No wind, my hands in my pockets, my thoughts somewhere else.

As I rounded the corner, I ran into another neighbor — a thick, weathered man with short black hair. He was rolling a lawnmower to the end of his driveway.

He said, “You know anyone who wants a free lawnmower?”

I stopped and contemplated his offer. A free lawnmower? “Does it work?” I said.

“Yep,” he said.

I don’t need a lawnmower — mine is less than …read more      

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