The Powerful Resource You’ve Always Wanted When Presented with Creative Challenges

By Stefanie Flaxman

how to avoid copycat content

In the fall of 2008, I had every aspect of running my online copy editing business carefully mapped out — but the unpleasant reality that callously illuminated my pretty little map was that there wasn’t much of a business to run.

I had a few clients to keep me busy, but I put way too much hope in my bare-bones website.

At the time, I thought that the mere presence of a website would make clients flock to me and graciously ask for writing help. I’d have a steady flow of clients who were happy to pay me substantial fees, and to …read more      

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The Powerful Resource You Always Have When Presented with Creative Challenges

By Stefanie Flaxman

how to avoid copycat content

In the fall of 2008, I had every aspect of running my online copy editing business carefully mapped out — but the unpleasant reality that callously illuminated my pretty little map was that there wasn’t much of a business to run.

I had a few clients to keep me busy, but I put way too much hope in my bare-bones website.

At the time, I thought that the mere presence of a website would make clients flock to me and graciously ask for writing help. I’d have a steady flow of clients who were happy to pay me substantial …read more      

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The Importance of Treating Sponsorship Like Partnerships

By Rainmaker.FM


Only a few months after launching Hack the Entrepreneur, Jon Nastor was receiving unsolicited sponsorship requests.

One turned out to be a perfect fit.

In this episode of The Showrunner, Jon takes us behind the scenes of how his deal with FreshBooks came about.

As we did last week, we offer up a significant snippet of a course lesson for the meat of this episode. In it, you’ll learn:

  • Why Jon made the decision to accept a sponsor for Hack the Entrepreneur
  • The details of how the original package Jon agreed to with FreshBooks came about
  • What …read more      
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Are Productivity Articles Making You Unproductive?

By Rainmaker.FM


This week on No Sidebar, host Brian Gardner responds to an article written by Paul Jarvis, entitled “On becoming digital hoarders.”

Our yearning to find information that will somehow magically fill some void in our life continually leaves us unsatisfied.

We are promised endlessly how to make our lives better, how to be more productive, and how to get what we want.

But the reality, and main takeaway from Paul’s article, is at some point, we need to take off the training wheels of acquiring knowledge and ride the bike of applying that knowledge …

In this …read more      

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Deadly Conversion Busters: Turning Fear Into Trust

By Rainmaker.FM


Is fear stopping your audience from engaging, subscribing, or purchasing?

How can you turn that negative into a positive, while helping you stand out in your market?

In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal:

  • Why unanswered fears might be turning away your customers
  • What you need to create a safe place for people to visit
  • How your community can help you build trust
  • Why video can help build buyer confidence
  • Key elements that can mitigate risk for your audience
  • Creating trust-building case studies as content

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