The Best Articles Always Have This (and a Great Headline)

By Rainmaker.FM


Everything up to now — all these markers that flag a reader to come in for a landing — traded in words.

But not the next element. And curiously enough, it’s probably as important and powerful as the headline.

Remember the episode of Rough Draft about the headline experiment involving Google Reader?

Remember how host Demian Farnworth said he learned that trick from Robert Scoble, who claimed to be able to “read” 1,000 blog posts in a very short period of time?

Well, it was the headline and the image that got him to stop and …read more      

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How to Grow Your Blog Traffic by 20,000 Visitors a Month

By Neil Patel

website traffic

Around eight months ago, I started a new blog in the marketing realm. When I first started out, my traffic was flat.

But around four months ago, I figured out a process that has allowed me to grow my traffic consistently—a process I could replicate. I am now at a point where I am adding about 20,000 new visitors each month.

Best of all, I’ve been doing it without spending a dollar on marketing.

The tactics I’ve been using will work for anyone. They work so well that the results I’m experiencing with my nutrition blog are even better, which is …read more      

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The Print Magazine Hoax: 10 Overlooked Lessons on Writing Great Content

By Demian Farnworth

Is your content good enough for print?

Fans of the Internet love to mock print magazines.

They love to gloat and preen as the gate to Big Media’s kingdom has been thrown open — and the gatekeepers are torn from their thrones and tossed in the moat (the pockets of their blazers stuffed with rocks).

We watch from a distance as the city burns to the ground. Like there is nothing redeemable about these institutions.

That’s unfortunate. Because they actually have a lot to teach us.

The weakness of the web

There’s no doubt the Internet is a beautiful thing. It allows all of us to have a voice — …read more      

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Why You Need a Social Media Calendar and How to Create One

By Neil Patel

Why You Need a Social Media Calendar and How to Create One

You’ve heard of social media calendars before, but do you know what they are and how to use one?

Chances are you don’t. And that’s okay… I didn’t either when I entered the realm of social media marketing. But once I learned about it and how to use it, it change how I marketed my businesses on the social web.

Here’s why you need a social media calendar and how you can create one:

Click on the image below to see a larger view:

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic.


A social media calendar can help you consistently promote high …read more      

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6 Beautiful Ways Artificial Constraints Can Improve Your Creativity and Life

By Demian Farnworth

how to use limitations to boost your creativity

Like accumulating capital, hard work has its own momentum. If you want to master digital media, then produce it often.

Maria Popova, the woman behind Brain Pickings, publishes three substantial blog posts every weekday, typically about substantial books she reads. Each post is an elegant display of her ornate knowledge and polished creativity.

And when I was asked to host a show for our digital marketing podcast network, I immediately jumped on the opportunity. Here was a chance to organize my work, tackle a new challenge, and consistently produce a new type of …read more      

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