Moving on from KISSmetrics…

By Neil Patel

hiten shah and neil patel

When you start a company, it becomes your baby, and one of the hardest things to do is let go of it.

In 2008, I started a company called KISSmetrics with my co-founder Hiten Shah. The company has grown nicely, and we raised millions of dollars to help expand the growth of the business.

But what Hiten and I never really announced was that in 2014, we left KISSmetrics. Here’s why we left, and here’s what’s next…

Leaving KISSmetrics

We started KISSmetrics with a small team consisting of Hiten, me, an engineer, and a designer. As the company progressed, we added more …read more      

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Content Marketer, Good Content Marketer, Content Marketers, And Best Content Marketers

Unlike most other functions in an organization, marketing has completely transformed. Modern companies have begun to shift away from a traditional marketing mindset to one that is data-driven, growth-minded, and accountable for producing tangible results (read: revenue).
Some companies are adaptin…

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Will Your Website Survive the Upcoming Google Mobile Penalty?

By Demian Farnworth

how smart marketers are protecting their websites

You are standing in a booth. People are lined up, handing you money in exchange for a small book. This lasts, with little let up, for most of the day. At sundown, you tuck your money in a backpack and head home.

This has been your life for the last two years. Business has been good, so there was no reason to suspect anything would be different the next day.

Except there was.

You show up to your little booth, and wait. Occasionally, a customer trickles in, but otherwise you are alone. Around lunchtime, you peer down …read more      

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Teens, White Teens, Actual Teens, And Hispanic Teens

Anyone in tech can tell you that Actual Teens are hallowed ground. Where teens? tastes wander, the industry froths itself into a frenzy attempting

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