Content Curation, Content Curation Tools, Excellent Content Curation, And Incredible Content Pieces

Creating content for multiple platforms each and every day can be taxing for even the most skilled copywriter. It means coming up with fresh, interesting content constantly to provide great resources for your clients, but I know that we all can have a rough time at it if we go it alone and don?t do …

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Affiliate Programs: Why You Should Build a ‘Second Audience’ for Your Business

By Rainmaker.FM


Want to expand the reach of your business and find new audiences for your products and services? An affiliate program could be the answer for you.

Copyblogger’s affiliate programs run like a well-oiled machine, and in this episode of Hit Publish, you’re going to find out why.

We want you to take advantage of our hard-won knowledge so you can put together an affiliate program that expands your reach and boosts your profits.

You’re about to hear from some of the people responsible for keeping our affiliates very, very happy. They’ll share a behind-the-scenes look at how they do …read more      

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Seth Godin on the Difference Between Failure and Your Struggle With Failure

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is one of the most well-respected and prolific marketing minds alive today.

After his first job out of college working at a software company, today’s guest started a book packaging business, which he later sold to his employees.

He then co-founded Yoyodyne, a unique marketing service and company. He sold this company to Yahoo! in 1998 for $30 million.

During that time, he launched another web company called Squidoo, which was acquired by HubPages in 2014.

Most of you will know him for his writing. He writes daily on his blog, one …read more      

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Why Capturing Ideas Is Essential to Your Content Strategy and Organic Search

By Rainmaker.FM


Content is everywhere — it’s happening in coffee shops, on phone calls, and in the workplace.

But capturing and documenting these ideas is necessary so that the creator or owner of that content has the ability to capitalize on it. Without documentation, all is lost.

Conversations without accurate documentation can lead to a Rashomon effect, where a conversation can have different meanings and takeaways.

In this episode of Search & Deploy, host Loren Baker discusses the concept of continuously capturing content and documenting it via audio, video, and the written word so it won’t get lost.

Click …read more      

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David Sedaris’s Guide to Writing Brilliant First Sentences

By Rainmaker.FM


In previous episodes of Rough Draft, we’ve established that beyond headlines the first sentence dominates.

In fact, it’s responsible for hurling the reader into the story. The headline captures the reader’s attention. The first sentence keeps it.

Great writers like David Sedaris know this. Just study some of his first sentences and you’ll see he takes this seriously. Very seriously.

Which is what we will do in today’s show.

In this 10-minute episode about first sentences on Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • How to create suspense in your first sentence
  • The trick to introducing an interesting …read more      
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