Facebook, Facebook Scrapbook Product, Barak, And Manager Dan Barak

For the first time, children under 13 are allowed to have an official presence on Facebook. They still can?t have a profile, but their parents can now tag photos of them (or pet) to create a ?Scrapbook.?

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How to Engage and Persuade People Through Storytelling

By Neil Patel

How to Engage and Persuade People Through Storytelling

Did you know that stories make up 65% of all conversations in our daily lives? Storytelling is so powerful that it’s been around for over 40,000 years.

So how can you use the art of storytelling to engage and persuade your website visitors? To teach you how you can leverage it, I’ve created an infographic that breaks down how you can use storytelling effectively.

Click on the image below to see a larger view:

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic.


If you aren’t using storytelling in your business, you should reconsider it. I myself use it to bond …read more      

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On Taking Responsibility for All of the Communication You Put Out Into the World

By Stefanie Flaxman

You have to communicate clearly before you can form a bond with an audience

I’d like you to take a trip back with me for a moment to first grade. Specifically, when I got my first report card during my first marking period in first grade.

Like both my mother and father before me, I received a certain comment in the miscellaneous section of my report card.

I got average to good marks in all the subjects I was learning at that time, along with this extra note …

Talks too much.

That’s fair enough. I didn’t understand that at certain times it was just more appropriate for me to shut my mouth. Now, in my adult life, …read more      

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How a Minimalist Design Made an Unexpected Impact on Book Sales

By Rainmaker.FM


Once in a while, you make a decision that affects your business and 100 percent of your revenue stream.

Such was the case with Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist, except that he had someone else to share the blame with when things fell apart — Brian Gardner.

Nearly a year ago, Brian redesigned Joshua’s website, and along the way Brian insisted he remove the sidebar … which was where Joshua was selling his books. In the spirit of minimalism, they felt it was necessary, and the impact it had was something neither one of them expected.

In this 18-­minute episode of No Sidebar, …read more      

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