Do You Have What It Takes to Publish a Curated Email Newsletter? [Infographic]

By Demian Farnworth

Curated email newsletter, decision tree

Let’s start with the basics. What is a curated email newsletter?

Think Dave Pell’s Next Draft. Quartz’s Daily Brief. Peter Cooper’s Cooper Press. Brian Clark’s Further. Brian Gardner’s No Sidebar. Pamela Wilson’s Weekend Digest. Ryan Hanley’s The Sunday Seven. Jason Hirschhorn’s MediaREDEF.

What do all of these email newsletters have in common? They all sift through a mountain of information on a specific topic (like news, health, HTML, entertainment, lifestyle, content marketing) and pluck out the best content.

This is what it means to curate.

They …read more      

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Signal, Online News Sources, Startup Signal Media, And Incumbent Media Monitoring

Sorting the signal from the noise is an increasingly tedious task for anyone spending time online. London-based startup Signal Media

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Should You Really ‘Walk in the Direction of Your Fear?’

By Rainmaker.FM


We are often told to “walk in the direction of our fears.” But is that really good advice?

Is it possible our fears know something we don’t … and that we should listen to them?

In this episode of The Lede, the third in the Hero versus Villain series, hosts Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth take up this debate — and yes, another special guest is invited.

You’ll learn about Jerod’s fear of clowns, Demian’s fear of public speaking, and you’ll get to relive the terrifying moment when one of conversion expert Joanna Wiebe’s biggest fears manifested itself …read more      

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How to Use Your Fears to Grow Your Business

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur has spent 20 years in digital marketing, consulting for more than 700 companies during that period, including 30 of the Fortune 500.

His current company — Convince & Convert — is the fifth multi-million dollar company he has started from scratch.

Before his move into digital marketing in 1994, he was a brand marketer and a political consultant with major roles in state, federal, and presidential electoral campaigns.

His second book, Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is About Help not Hype, was #3 on the New York Times bestseller list.

Now, let’s hack …

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